fashion, travel and lifestyle

Outfit Overview 2017 and The Year of The Dog

caliope couture outfits 2017 3

Yes, February is almost over, right? And according to the lunar calendar the Year of the Dog has just started! I know it’s been awhile …both since my last post and since many of you heard from me.

Between my exceedingly stressful day job, family and a bit of dearly needed ‘me time’ there simply wasn’t any time left for blogging over the last few months.

2017 has been a handful for me in various ways … with some highs, some severe lows and several personal developments that were simply a priority. Actively posting, commenting and reading other blogs can be too much when there is so much on your mind all the time.  That said, I still really enjoy blogging, connecting with all you lovely blogger gals and guys out there and taking pictures … and I hope to get back to some kind of schedule eventually! Maybe I won’t post as often as I used to but there will definitely be more to come from me in 2018. That’s a promise.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this little outfit overview of 2017.

outfits 2017outfits 2017caliope couture outfits 2017 4

Hope you are all well, have a fabulous 2018 so far and are making the most of your weekend!!

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  1. Mica

    Nice to see a post from you, happy lunar new year! :) You look great in red.

    I’m glad there were some good points to 2017 even if it was a busy year for you! COmpletely understandable that the blog would take a backseat for a while.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :) Another quiet one here as the long awaited cooler weather brought a ton of rain with it, ha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. Shadownlight

    Eine wundervolle Zusammenstellung!
    Liebe Grüße!

  3. ivana split

    I honestly love all of these outfits! You have such a feminine and chic sense of style. All those dresses (red, pink, black) were so cute…but what caught my eyes the most is the wedding dress (it was a wedding dress?) Congrats!

    Btw I was also away from blogging for a while in 2017….sometimes life just takes over and there is nothing wrong with that. I do usually miss blogging when I’m away from it.

  4. Melanie

    Stimmt, dein letzter Post ist ja schon einige Monate her! Ich hoffe, dir geht es gut!

    Deine Looks gefallen mir sehr gut. Du hast ja immer ein “gewisses Extra” in deinen Looks :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  5. Gabrielle

    You’ve shared so many fantastic outfits! The gingham maxi dress is stunning and oh my gosh, you’re so beautiful in that nature crown!! x

  6. Courtney

    The outfits are so pretty. I love it.

  7. Simone

    Loving all your looks! Very gorgeous.

    xx Simone
    Little Glittery Box

  8. Gemma

    Such a lovely roundup! I wish you all the best for the new year!

    Gemma x

  9. jane

    Ohhmmy, you are the cutest.
    I love all of it.

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  10. Heather Rowland

    Love your mini outfit overview – my favourite has to be the red floral patterned dress!

    Heather xoxo

  11. Jessica

    You have the best selection of dresses! I love the gingham maxi one though!

    Jessica |

  12. Daniel

    Love all your looks!! xo

    Daniel x

    The Daniel Originals | Instagram: danielpoonvignez

  13. Katie

    I’m the same as you I had a hard year last year and have just started blogging again. I’ve told myself this time I’m not going to put as much pressure on myself, I love blogging but it’s a lot of work and isn’t my full time job. I hope you have a great 2018! And i love so many of your outfits from last year! Can’t wait to see more this year! Katie xx

  14. Sabina @OceanblueStyle at Manderley

    Looking forward to the year of the dog. Yay! xo Sabina

  15. Joanna

    Das sind sehr schöne Outfits :) Du siehst jedes mal toll aus!
    Liebe Grüße,

  16. Nina Nguyen

    Loving all of your looks!!
    xx- Nina

  17. Natassia Crystal

    So many wonderful outfits! :)

    Looking beautiful! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  18. Caramella

    You look gorgeous in all of them!

  19. Nina Nguyen

    Awww you look so beautiful!!
    xx- Nina

  20. Stylease

    All the outfits look great! :)
    This is a fantastic post!!

  21. Sakuranko

    Oh very cute style

  22. Hebeos

    These dresses are so beautiful, and i love them

    • caliope

      Thank you so much ! xx

  23. hassan shakir

    Lovely Pictures.

  24. my healthy blog

    very nice and pretty

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