Author: caliope (Page 13 of 35)
Biologist and Fashion Blogger
I always really enjoy outfit throwbacks when seeing them on other people’s blogs so I thought I’d do one as well. This is a little throwback to a sunny day in July exactly 3 years ago.
The time has come…I’m doing a No Shopping Challenge, starting now. I’m finally trying to curb my spending habits with this long-awaited Shopping Ban.
Time for a little overview of my June outfits which were quite heavy on typical summer details like florals, eyelets and the off-shoulder style.
Wer kennt sie nicht? Summer Basics, diese perfekten Teile für den Sommer, die man einfach jedes Jahr wieder gerne trägt und die sich wunderbar kombinieren lassen. Was Basics angeht, kaufe ich immer sehr gern bei Esprit. Wie ihr vielleicht gemerkt habt, habe ich euch ja schon einige Outfit-Posts mit Kleidungsstücken von Esprit gezeigt.
As the last outfit post of the month I decided to bring you a fun fifties inspired denim look today.
Even though I’m a bit late with this review I still wanted to show you the products I got from the Secret Splendor Limited Edition by p2 (a German drugstore brand). This product range seemed rather promising with all its sparkle and colour intensity so I got this little selection of nailpolish, mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss.
Maxi dresses are iconic summer staples and today I’m showing you this floral printed version which is one of my current favourites.