fashion, travel and lifestyle

Category: Lifestyle (Page 5 of 5)


I was off to Dublin in the green last month so here’s a quick overview of the city. This was not my first time in Dublin as I have been to Ireland quite a few times throughout my life. My parents used to live there before I was born so I remember visiting friends and staying in lovely Georgian townhouses as a child.  Continue reading

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We are in the midst of another heatwave here in Berlin and it’s taking its toll. We actually hit 35°C last Friday which can be quite exhausting in the city. I was so tired all over the weekend, I cuddled up with the dogs and slept most of the day. Thermoregulation works in mysterious ways. Lucky for us there are some hacks that can make your life much more comfortable during a heatwave. Here are 5 of my favourite tricks for staying happy and comfortable despite the temperatures.

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