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The Ultimate Christmas Beauty Gifts

Beauty Gift Wishlist

In case you are still looking for a gift that would make a fellow beauty addict’s heart beat faster or just a festive something for a special someone…I couldn’t resist but compile a few of the prettiest beauty products out there for this Christmas beauty wishlist.

I wouldn’t mind getting any of these myself. Especially the exclusive Too Faced holiday editions you can find at Sephora are extremely cute and would make a wonderful gift for a younger sister or relative. In this case, the pretty packaging really does make the difference. I also love the shimmery pigments from MAC – they are insanely well pigmented and leave a nice shimmer, perfect for the holiday season or New Year’s makeup.

Ciaté Snow Globe

Zoeva Blanc Fusion Palette

Mac shimmer pigment

Too Faced – The Chocolatier – Coffret de maquillage

Too Faced – Grande Hotel Café – Coffret de maquillage

Hope you are having a fantastic weekend! Do you already have all your Christmas gifts or are you still shopping/making?

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  1. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Cosmetics ;) can there be anything more exciting???? hahaha. Great idea for Christmas presents :) . Cheers Margot

  2. Sibaritismos de Inma

    siempre eres mi inspiracion, un post estupendo, me encantan tus sugerencias, anotado para mi, me gusta.

  3. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Love everything about this post! So cute!
    Love, Hadasah Love | Instagram @hadasahlove

  4. Leonie Rahn

    Ich muss sagen, dass ich mich über jedes der Produkte wahnsinnig freuen würde! Sehr schönen Sachen hast du ausgesucht:)

  5. Shireen L. Platt

    I have Tom Ford Face Palette in my Christmas wish list but I think it will have to be something that I buy myself because it’s way too pricey. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  6. Violette

    Perfect beauty gift! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Izabela

    These would make great gifts.

  8. Coco

    These gift sets have the cutest packaging! Baci, Valeria – Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  9. Lima

    I’d be happy to receive any of these tbh! I like the Ciate one in particular, really does look like a snow globe, totally dressing table material :)


  10. Katherine

    Nice picks!

  11. Jana

    In diesem Jahr stehen bei mir tatsächlich auch einige Beauty Geschenke auf meiner Wunschliste :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  12. Jimena

    Richtig schöne Ideen, die werde ich mal im Auge behalten! :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  13. NEHA

    Great post and photo….love it….xo, Neha

  14. Laura Mitbrodt

    I want all of these

  15. ivana split

    I think for most of us ladies, beauty products are really a perfect gift. Even girls that don’t use make up that much love to get them…and who could blame us? Look how pretty all those packages are. These palettes looks dreamy….especially the first one. How cute is that illustration?

  16. Gemma

    These gifts look amazing and would definitely be great for any beauty lover!
    Gemma x

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