fashion, travel and lifestyle

White as Snow, Red as Blood and Black as Ebony | Outfit

metallic pleated skirt and red kitten heels outfit

For Christmas Eve this year I decided to go for a classic look that brings out my pale complexion which is why I aptly named this after a caption from Snow White.

I’m quite in love with this metallic pleated skirt I got from Zalando. The silvery finish adds a bit of glam while the midi length makes it timelessly elegant. Because it was quite cold when we shot this outfit I decided to go for a black jersey dress underneath – normally, I would opt for a simple black cami though. And the kitten heels add a bit of colour.

metallic pleated skirt and red kitten heels outfit

Outfit Details:

Skirt – Wal G. here (currently on sale!)

Dress – Benetton

Necklace – H&M here

Heels – Tamaris (similar here or here)

metallic pleated skirt and red kitten heels outfit

Merry Christmas!! I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season with your loved ones!

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  1. Priscilla

    Wow lovely Look

    Merry Christmas



  2. Melanie

    Siehst du chic aus in dem Look! Der Rock ist ja total toll :-*

    Melanie /

  3. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    so ein wundervoller Look! Ich mag die Kombination von rot, silber und schwarz total gerne! Und deine Haare sind ein Traum :-* Ich möchte meine Haare auch wieder dunkler färben. Lange Zeit habe ich Highlights und Strähnchen machen lassen, jetzt möchte ich wieder zu meiner Naturhaarfarbe naturbraun zurückkehren.
    Du siehst wunderschön aus, liebe Christina :-*
    Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht und dass du eine wundervolle Zeit mit deinen Liebsten verbringst :-)
    Merry Christmas and happy new year :-*

  4. Leni

    So ein schöner Look! Der Rock hat eine tolle Farbe! :)
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen 2ten Weihnachtsfeiertag!
    Viele liebe Grüße, Leni

  5. Jimena

    Richtig schöner Look, toll siehst du aus!

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  6. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    I love these pleated skirts and silver is my favourite. The way you added your red heels looks so pretty. The whole outfit is very smart. Have a great Boxing Day – Margot

  7. shadownlight

    Sehr sehr schön :).
    Liebste Grüße!

  8. Sabrina

    nice outfit!

  9. Jana

    Sehr schön, ich liebe den Rock! :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

    • caliope

      Dankeschön liebe Jana! x

  10. The Fashion Folks

    Haha as soon as I saw you and the title I thought of Snow White, but such a gorgeous and classic mix of colors in the clothes/makeup. Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Xx

  11. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Love everything about this post! So cute!
    Love, Hadasah Love | Instagram @hadasahlove

    • caliope

      Thanks dear! x

  12. Annessa

    Great look! I love the pop of red from your pumps!


  13. Jalisa

    You look so beautiful, girlie; I adore that skirt on you as well as the pops of red! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season; Merry Christmas!



  14. Dora

    Love the red add!

  15. the color palette/abril

    your skirt is really pretty .I got a similar one on rosegal not so long ago. If you’re into metallic plaid skirt you shoudl give them a ttry
    The Color Palette


    I like the silvery skirt. The bright shoes are my favourite as well. Happy Holidays. <3

  17. Idu

    Your skirt is adorable. Hope you had a great Christmas.

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