fashion, travel and lifestyle

Umbrellas Galore

Marks & Spencer colour-changing umbrella

January is not my favourite month as it always tends to carry a certain feeling of bleakness. Plus, the weather is usually cold, wet and the life of a blogger is further impeded by the lack of light for photo shoots outside…

I’m sure some of you feel the same way. I cannot help but somewhat envy people in the Southern Hemisphere as they are still in the middle of summer after all the christmas festivities are over.

Marks & Spencer colour-changing umbrella

Over here we’re left to wait for spring and make do with the few light hours left. So at this time of year I tend to resort to fashion to brighten my mood.

Playing with accessories is a big part of what makes fashion worthwhile for me. I have always had a penchant for quirky accessories. They can add a playful vibe to any basic outfit. That’s why I always jump at the chance to get the one or the other cute item…just like this colour changing umbrella which I found at Marks & Spencer’s on my visit to Dublin last fall.  You can read about my adventures in Dublin here in case you missed it.

colour-changing umbrella

Yes, colour changing…

This was the first time I took this umbrella out in the rain and I was amazed at the surprisingly quick change of colour. I have fond memories of having a little pink plastic pony when I was a child which would change haircolour when you held the mane under water. Somewhat silly, but I enjoy a bit of 80s nostalgia now and then…so I guess, this gimmick was right up my alley.


colour-changing umbrella


Outfit Details:

Dress – Esprit (similar)

Tights – H&M (old)

Umbrella – Marks & Spencer

Pumps – Clarks (old)

24438327336_f9e7c7c220_zP1240518P1240510Outfit Detail | Tights

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  1. Melanie

    Was für ein süßer Schirm! das graue Strickkleid steht dir sehr gut! :-*

    • caliope

      Danke dir, Melanie :)

  2. Mayse

    Look wonderful, lovely pics
    just tell if you want follow each other on instagram and GCP
    kisses from MM

    • caliope

      Thank you :)

  3. Jana

    Der Schirm sieht ja mal klasse aus :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  4. Anouk

    I feel the same way about January! Love the dress that you’re wearing; suits you very well.


    • caliope

      Thank you very much, Anouk :)

  5. Holly & Ivy

    Wow, that’s incredible!

    • Holly & Ivy

    • caliope


  6. Anjelique

    No way, I would take your Winter over my Summer Heat anyday! LOL
    Lovely look :)


    Anjelique | snapchat: anjeliquetv

    • caliope

      Hehe, well…Thank you for stopping by! :)

  7. ShannonB

    This outfit look so lovely! Your umbrella is lovely!


    • caliope

      Thank you :)

  8. Sarah

    WHat a cool umbrella!

    • caliope

      Thank you Sarah!

  9. thenotsogirlygirl

    OMG! What a cool umbrella! rainy days are so depressing, but a fun umbrella like that can cheer up any gray day :)

    I’m in love with you blog, and I’m following you! I invite you to hop on my blog, and if you like what’s going on there, to follow me back :)

  10. welovefur

    It’s a lovely funny umbrella. I love your dress too.
    You have a beautiful blog. Visit mine if you want


    cute! most adorable umbrella.

    • caliope

      Thank you! xo

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