fashion, travel and lifestyle

The Pom Pom Trend

The Pom Pom Trend


The pom pom trend was something I really wasn’t sure of when I first saw it. The look has grown on me though.

I especially like when black pom poms are added to neutral pieces (like this straw hat) which somehow creates a playful but still minimal and elegant look. Many of the pom pom pieces you see in the shops are very colourful and perfect for a bohemian look. Although I like boho styles, having a lot of red and orange pom poms can quickly look too much in an outfit. I could really imagine using pom poms as a statement piece or a colourful highlight in an otherwise monochrome outfit though.

Guajiro pom pom hat

Kate Spade accessory

Kate Spade bag charm


I especially like the Kate Spade summer collection with the cute (but pricey) fruit-shaped pom poms. The black and white bags with colourful pom pom keyrings to draw the eye also really appeal to me – that’s how I like pom poms to be used. Especially against the black and white it’s a nice statement! This might be a good DIY project actually as pom poms aren’t too hard to make! There are lots of tutorials out there. This is a great one using a fork to make mini pom poms. I just never seem to have the time…

From Kimonos to Jewelry

Pom poms are added to everything these days – from adorning the sleeves of kimonos to jewelry. One piece of jewelry that particularly caught my eye is this Peruvian bracelet with pom poms made from Sterling silver.


pom poms 5

Bohemia handwoven basket

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  1. Lena

    Ohhhh la la, very nice!👍🏻 Lg.Lena!

  2. angelina

    Kate Spade is so great for all things summery! There are so many things popping back into style now – 90s redux for sure!

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin’

  3. Lorna

    The sandals with pom poms are gorgeous! I love them this season :D I have a cherry pom pom key ring too :)

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  4. Camila

    I´ve been obsessed with this trend and want to try it out but for some reason I never get anything with a pom pom!

    My Vogue Style |

  5. Dorothy Bell

    Pom Poms are really on trend for this summer, it adds pleasant color and effect to our outfits. I definitely enjoy having a pompom on my dress :D Have a nice day!

  6. Carrie

    wow nice selection, want it all

  7. Gemma

    Oh I do love a Pom Pom! It’s a really fun look, love your picks. Gemma x

  8. Alyssa

    I totally agree! Gorgeous selection.

    <3 | X ALY | Latest:✨Yellow Verge✨Style Post

  9. Dani

    I like Pom POms… :)))
    Trend for this summer…


    Dani von

  10. Dani

    Love Pom Poms… ♥

    Dani von

  11. Ela

    Das ist mal wieder ein Trend der mir sehr gefällt, so kann man auch eigene Sachen direkt aufhübschen. Liebe Grüße Ela

  12. The Sunday Mode

    I find the pom pom trend really interesting although I’m not sure I’d be able to pull it off myself. I think little pom poms on tops can be quite cute though!

  13. stylentonic

    Super fresh selection! xxx

  14. Das Schminkstübchen

    An sich finde ich die Pompoms ganz entzückend und durchaus passend für den Sommer. Aber wenn es zu viel des Guten ist, kann es auch recht kindlich wirken . Die Popmpoms an der Handtasche finde ich sehr niedlich.
    Liebe Grüße!

  15. Melanie

    Da sind ja richtig süße Teile dabei :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  16. Shireen L. Platt

    I absolutely adore seeing others with this trend but it doesn’t look right on me. Somehow I feel it’s a little too young for my taste. My husband actually asked me if I’m trying to be a child again. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  17. Jaclyn

    So so cute!! I love the shoes the most xx

    Jac Fleurant

  18. Alice

    This is such a fun trend! Your wishlist looks lovely!

  19. Jimena

    Ich finde diesen Trend wirklich süß, gefällt mir sehr!

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  20. Laura Mitbrodt

    These are so cute, I love the cherry one

  21. LianaLaurie

    Hach, die Pom Poms sind wirklich wahnsinnig süß! Ich finde die ganzen Kollektionen sehr gelungen!
    Liebe Grüße!

  22. Christine

    Gerade die Pom Poms als Kirschen getarnt oder die flachen Sandalen finde ich niedlich! So mag ich Pom Poms. ;)

    Irland ist deine zweite Heimat? Wie kommt’s? ;)
    Darum kann man dich nur beneiden: es ist wirklich ein wunderschönes Land. Muss unbedingt noch mal hin (am liebsten sofort…).

  23. Cosima

    All of shoes are so fashion, and i love them

  24. Paola Lauretano

    In love with pompom trend, cool selection doll!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    My Instagram

  25. Alejandra

    I love the pom pom shoes!!!

  26. Jessy

    Ein toller Beitrag. Ich liebe Pom Poms.

    Liebe Grüße Jessy von Kleidermaedchen

  27. Izabela

    Pom pom trend is so fun. I love the heels.

  28. Gil Zetbase

    Good looking!!!

    Have a nice evening!
    Photographer Gil Zetbase

  29. Sabrina

    love this trend and I wear pon pon daily!!:)

    check my blog

    Patchwork à Porter

  30. Katie Ainscough

    I love the pom pom trend!! I can’t get enough of pom pom shoes, I think they are absolutely adorable and add so much style to your outfit. The ones you’ve chosen here are all gorgeous! I definitely agree they’re best kept as the statement piece of the look and the rest kept minimal. Great post! Katie xx

  31. Hayley

    That wolf & badger straw pom pom is SO lovely as are those New Look lace up sandals – great wish list! :)

    Hayley xo

  32. Alice

    I’m in love in this pom pom trend :-) Great post my dear :-)

  33. Dorina

    Das ist so ein klasse Trend! Richtig sommerlich :) Besonders gerne mag ich Schuhe mit Pom Poms :)

    Liebste Grüße
    Dorina // Adeline und Gustav

  34. Idu

    I’m loving this trend and actually just finished a diy project on a pair of sandals. It looks a bit much cos I used big sized poms but oh well, I hot glued them on so they’re stuck on real good. These are very cute.

    Fashionably Idu

  35. beautiful-way-of-life

    Das sind ja wunderschöne Teile… der Hut gefällt mir richtig richtig gut.
    glg tina von

  36. Vicky

    Oh the bag is fantastic! I love the pompom trend a lot too!!

    happy Sunday!!

    ❥ Vicky | The Golden BunInstagram TGB 
    WIN a Braun Silk-Épil9 SkinSpa

  37. MARTA

    Great pieces! These sandals are so cute!

  38. CM

    Love the lace up sandals! ^-^
    Nice blog, dear!

  39. zia Consu

    Nice post and thanks for visiting my blog :-)
    See U soon :-)

  40. Cyra

    Toller Post !

  41. GlassesShop

    very nice!

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