I always really enjoy outfit throwbacks when seeing them on other people’s blogs so I thought I’d do one as well. This is a little throwback to a sunny day in July exactly 3 years ago.
To start with the star of these photos…this black and white boy was my first dog, Schimmi, and he still is the love of my life. We adopted him from the local shelter when he was 11 years old. We had to let him go after he developed cancer two years ago and he is sorely missed. That particular day the three of us went on a little walk to Treptower Park.
We actually excelled at wearing partner outfits in black and white.
Sporty style with White Tee and Black Capri Pants
From some of my posts you may have gleaned that casual sportswear isn’t really my thing. There are times, however, when sports clothes are actually a good idea. This is pretty much my go to look for summer when I’m running quick errands or when I’m outside with the dogs. I usually wear ballerina flats when I go shopping but for walking the dogs sneakers actually come in handy. I have several capri pants which I tend to fall back on every summer. This black one by Esprit is one of my favourites and I still wear it nowadays. When I walk the dogs I usually throw on a t-shirt or top and sometimes a crossbody bag to carry treats, toys, etc. The shirt I’m wearing here actually came with a detachable flower brooch which I quite like. This way, you can accessorize easily but can take the brooch off anytime when you don’t feel like it or even wear it on its own with some other outfit.
Outfit Details:
T-Shirt with flower brooch – Esprit (similar)
Capri – Esprit (similar)
Barefoot shoes – Vivobarefoot (similar or in grey)
Bag – See by Chloé (similar faux leather)
Sunnies – Lacoste (similar here or here)
A Day at Treptower Park
Once in a while it’s nice to look back on good times like this wonderful day we spent at Treptower Park in Berlin. Schimmi, my boy, loved water in all its forms so he went for an extended swim in the river Spree. We even met another friendly Amstaff boy, who was much younger but they got on splendidly. The ball ended up sinking to the ground of the Spree when they were done playing.

Happy and exhausted

Resting on my yoga blocks after a long, eventful day…
Looks fun! And Schimmi is adorable!
Nilu Yuleena Thapa
BIG hair LOUD mouth
It absolutely was. Thank you so much! x
Perfect look for dog walking!
xx Yasmin
Die Bilder der Hunde gefallen mir sehr gut :-*
Melanie / http://www.goldzeitblog.blogspot.de
Schimmi was a beautiful dog. I’m so sorry for your loss, but wonderful you could give him a home to enjoy before he passed away :)
Away From The Blue Blog
Ein richtig schön entspannter Look! Und farblich passt ihr ja wirklich mal prima zusammen :)
Liebe Grüße,
Jana von bezauberndenana.de
wow so cute!! I love your post. Thank you so much for sharing.
Such a lovely dog and cool look babe!
Kisses, Paola.
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Wie schön, da hast du dein Outfit zum Hund abgestimmt :)
Ihr seid aber auch beide super süß!
Liebst, Colli
Ein tolles Duo seid ihr und der Partnerlook ist sehr gelungen. :) Das ist ein bequemes, aber dennoch schönes Outfit. Schöner Beitrag. :)
Liebe Grüße an Dich!
I love this! That little one is so cute and you outfit is perfectly cozy!
You both are so cute!
Schimmi was a beautiful and I can only imagine how much you miss him until today. On to the outfit, I’m pretty much wearing that all day, easy to move about and chase after my little one. LOL!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
This outfit looks so comfy, perfect for lazy days! ^-^
Great post!
Much love,
Hadasah | http://www.styletolove.com
Schimmi was absolutely gorgeous and I am so sorry for your loss! I have a chihuahua and she means the absolute world to me I love her so much! I love all dogs. You’ve included so many beautiful photos that are clearly very happy memories. Thank you for sharing them! And I love your casual outfit too, definitely perfect for a summer day spent outside. Katie xx
Aw, how cute is your pup!? I think you wear the athleisure style quite nicely and it’s one I opt for when doing errands, too; so much more practical and thankfully trendy, too! I hope you’re having a great week so far, beauty, and thank so much for sharing!
casual chic!
love the doggie pics!
Have a great day!
Animated Confessions
wow tolle Bilder
Sehr schöner und bequemer Look, tolle Bilder!
Liebe Grüße
Jimena von littlethingcalledlove.de
Nice photos, you are looking so lovely dear!
hey, das ist ja ein toller partnerlook :).
liebe grüße!
There’s nothing more chic than black and white to me. Especially a casual black and white look that is perfect for workouts on simply on the go.
Kia / KTS
Super süße Fotos! :)
Die Hunde sind ja wirklich unheimlich süß & dein Outfit war wohl super praktisch & dem Anlass perfekt angepasst!
Laura von http://www.mrssparkle.de
Great outfit!
Cheap Evening Dresses
Hallo Christina,
ich bin zwar immer noch krank, bin aber aus meiner erzwungenen Blogger-Pause zurück – mit einem neuen Beitrag. Deshalb habe ich nun auch wieder die Kraft andere Blogs zu besuchen und dabei stehst du natürlich mit ganz oben.
Dein Outfit würde ich als leger-lässiger Look bezeichnen. Auch wenn jetzt DAS (modische) Highlight dabei fehlen sollte, so ist es dennoch typisch für unsere heutige Modezeit und schön funktional.. Ich finde es toll, wie du deine Haare trägst und dein Lächeln verzaubert jeden!
Pardon, aber ich bin ein Katzentyp und kann mit Hunden nix anfangen.
Liebe Grüße
P.S.: ich hoffe, daß ich endlich dein 10-1 Ranking fertig bekomme….!