What is she doing?
Another month is almost over so here’s a little life roundup – you may recognize some of these pictures from my instagram feed (@caliopecouture), others I haven’t posted yet. Summer was very much in evidence in Berlin this month which resulted in me having more than my usual share of migraine and fatigue.
Nevertheless, I tried to make the best of it and at least my little vegetable patch on the balcony stood to benefit from all these sunny days. That didn’t save my tomatoes from being infested with spider mites (again!) though. Apart from that, there’s not much to say as life is always a bit slower for me in summer. As we have a few weeks of holidays planned for October we didn’t do any travelling yet.
#urbangardening: green tomatoes
#food: Germknödel at Mutzenbacher Berlin
#summerinthecity: 34°C last weekend
#bagaddict: my new Sarah’s Bag
#throwback: white beach in Cape Town
#doggylove: stop and smell the flowers
#blackandwhite: contrasting details
Hope you all have a lovely start to the week – What was your August like?
Tolle Eindrücke :)
Die Tasche sieht ja niedlich aus.
xx Katha
The bag is just so charming, love it! So cute with the orange detail, love the idea! Xx
Was für in toller Rückblick. Der weiße Strand hat es mir besonders angetan.
Liebe Grüße Kristina von KDSecret
germknödel, wie lange habe ich die schon nicht mehr gegessen, lecker!
liebe grüße!
Danke für die klasse Fotos! Ich komme alleine beim Anschauen richtig ins Schwärmen :) Und wie gut, dass Du Dich trotz Deiner gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen nicht unterkriegen hast lassen …
xx Rena
sehr sehr toller round up des monats :) mit so vielen tollen fotos :)
Was für schöne Impressionen !! :) <3
Küsschen an dich
Wie cool ist bitte diese Tasche?! :P
Love your doggie! And the bag with the lemon detail is everything!
These images are lovely Christina, and the beach in Cape Town looks heavenly! Sorry to hear the weather has been so hot and causing you migraines. I hope you’re managing to stay cool and refreshed. It must be rewarding to have your own vegetable patch!
I hope you’re having a positive start to the week!
Saba xx
Love your photos! Adorable bag! Your dog is so cute
Your dog is so cute and I really like that tan bag – so fun! :)
August is a cold month here in Australia, I’m looking forward to the start of spring and warmer weather! :)
Away From The Blue Blog
So viele tolle Fotos, ganz besonders toll finde ich deine Tasche <3
Wiebke von WMBG
Was für süße Schnappschüsse!
You have a great feed, girl. Love the post; it’s always nice to have a review of one’s month. Keeps one accountable.
Funmi x
Looks like a great month! I love your new bag.
Gemma x
Great post dear!
Schöne Fotos! :)
Jetzt habe ich irgendwie furchtbar Hunger auf einen süßen Knödel. :”)
So schöne Bilder!
Finde Deine Einstellung super!
Die Tasche sieht so toll aus!
Hab eine schöne Woche!
xoxo Jacqueline
Great roundup. I love your bag.
Great update. Loving your little cutie pie. He is such a cute dog.
Your dog is so adorable! My August has been very busy, as I started a new job in July. I still need to find a balance between work, blogging and cleaning the house, lol!
Tolle Bilder! Dein Hund ist wirklich goldig :)
Liebe Grüße,
Jana von bezauberndenana.de
Aww this doggy though <3 So cute!!
So sorry to hear that the summer weather caused you migraines and fatigues. I guess you’re glad that fall and winter is coming, then?
Summer has been crap in the Netherlands and it was quite cold, so perhaps we should change locations. ;-)
Cute and pretty photos!
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