fashion, travel and lifestyle

Outfit Recap October 2016

outfit recap october 2016 caliope couture

You will have noticed that last week was rather quiet around here which is why I still need to share my outfit recap for October with you.  It turns out that transitioning back into everyday worklife after a three week holiday was more difficult than I had anticipated!

I have been back at work since Monday and every night saw me completely exhausted and just ready for bed – nothing else.

I guess some of this is my version of post-holiday blues as I really miss the wonderful tropical climate we had in Malaysia and having the sea near me every day. The other thing is that work at the office has been far from satisfactory lately and it has become increasingly difficult throughout the year. I really enjoy working with some of the people on my team which is what keeps me from handing in my resignation but I guess I will have to carefully weigh my options for the future. You see, although my office is really close to our apartment – just 10 min by bike, which is great – I get home after an 8h day and feel completely dead to the world! And that level of exhaustion is neither warranted by my position nor the workload I have every day. If my body keeps reacting this way then the pay-off just may not be worth it and I might need to look for a different place to work!

Just to let you know what’s going on in my life so that a slightly erratic posting schedule will not come astoo much of a surprise. I will try to get back on track of course but my overall health needs to come first right now!

Have you ever been in a similar position? Have you had difficult decisions to make about your workplace?

Anyway, on to last month’s outfits…due to my holiday I only had a few outfits to show you. All of them were pretty colourful though largely due to the fact that I got these cute statement skirts from FashionMia.

So, what do you think of last month’s outfits? 

cobalt blue Tardis skirt and fedoracrab print top and terracotta longline vestwatermelon skirt outfit

To revisit last month’s looks: the TARDIS skirt here, crab print top and longline vest here, watermelon skirt here


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  1. Melanie

    Ohhh ich will den Sommer wieder. Dein Rock hat mir jetzt total Appetit auf Melone gemacht… :-*

    Melanie /

    • caliope

      Hehe, ich vermisse Wassermelonen auch schon sehr… x

  2. Melina

    Sehr schöne Outfits :-) Da vermisst man den Sommer gleich!
    Liebst, Melina

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank! Hab ein schönes Wochenende x

  3. shadownlight

    Hey, ich mag deine außergewöhnlichen Outfits sehr.
    Liebe Grüße!

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank! Das freut mich sehr x

  4. Julia

    Sehr süße Outfits! :)

    Alles Liebe,
    Julia /

  5. Louisa

    Schöne Outfits!

    Liebe Grüße,

    Carlos Gang

  6. Paola Lauretano

    You are always super stylish!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  7. Janine

    Liebe Christina, erst einmal herzlichen Dank für Deinen lieben Kommi auf meinem Blog :D Ich hoffe, dass es Dir inzwischen besser geht! Ich kann Dir diesbezüglich keine Tipps geben, da ich selbst Studentin bin und noch keine grossartige Arbeitserfahrung habe. Aber auf jeden FAll musst Du auf Deine Gesundheit achtgeben und darauf schauen, dass Du glücklich bist bei dem, was Du tust. Ich sage immer, dass ich irgendwann eine Stelle möchte, wo es sich nicht nach Arbeit anfühlt – verstehst Du was ich meine?
    liebe Grüsse und hab einen schönen Sonntag Abend

  8. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Yes, I also wish holidays were all year round :) . The sea is great and gives us this extra energy nothing else does. Your propositions were lovely and look really nice in all of them. Have a happier ;) :D week – greetings – Margot :)

  9. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Love it
    Hadasah Love |

  10. Mica

    It’s great you enjoyed your holidays although a shame that your work is so stressful – hope things improve soon!

    On a happier note, I like your outfits, especially that watermelon skirt.

    Hope you’ve had a great weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  11. JeanetteGLoves

    Beautiful outfits :-)

  12. Gemma

    I love that watermelon skirt!

    Gemma x

  13. Saskia-Katharina

    Super schöne Outfits und sehr toll kombiniert, da bekomme ich richtig Lust auf den Sommer :)

    Liebe Grüße

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Saskia-Katharina! Obwohl ich den Herbst auch sehr gerne mag, freue ich mich nach dem Urlaub jetzt auch schon wieder auf den Sommer.

  14. Idu

    You had a very stylish October. Nice recap. I feel you, it’s always hard for me to get back to reality after a vacation.

  15. Nadine

    Liebe Christina!

    Vor allem nach einem tollen Urlaub in so warmen Gefilden fällt es einem immer besonders schwer, wieder in das Grau des Alltages zurückzukehren. Noch dazu, wenn das Grau wörtlich zu nehmen ist und Deine Arbeitssituation offenbar alles andere als optimal ist. Wichtig ist, rechtzeitig seine eigenen Grenzen zu sehen und Konsequenzen zu ziehen, wenn diese überschritten werden.

    Wunderschön sind wieder Deine Outfits! Ich kann mich vor allem an dem Tardis-Rock und dem Melonen-Rock nicht satt sehen …

    Liebe Grüße aus dem derzeit ziemlich tristen Wien,

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