fashion, travel and lifestyle

Last Outfit of Winter?

Casual black coat and brown leather boots

Spring has not yet decided whether it wants to stay but I think we can safely say that winter outfits are slowly coming to an end. So today, I want to share some of my casual winter favourites with you before the season draws to a close.

These boots from Högl are made of dark brown leather and I look forward to wearing them again every winter. I feel like I’ve had them for ages but in fact, it’s been less than ten years. That’s actually the beauty of high quality leather items – they acquire a patina and actually get better with age. All you have to do is to keep the leather supple and polish it once in a while.

Leather Boots, Denim and a Cable Sweater

Cable knits are almost as much a part of my regular winter wardrobe as boots. I just love the intricate patterns and texture of aran sweaters and cardigans, especially in light colours.

cable sweater and brown leather bootscable sweater and brown leather boots

Outfit Details:

Coat – H&M

Boots – Högl similar

Sweater – H&M

Denim – Esprit here

favourite brown leather boots

What are your favourite winter items? Do you wear boots only in winter or during the transitional period too?
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  1. Melanie

    Wieder ein toller Look! Ich hoffe auch, dass ich bald meinen Wintermantel in den Schrank hängen kann. Auf den Frühling und die leichten Klamotten warte ich schon sehnsüchtig :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  2. Ela

    I’m looking forward to wearing thinner outfits once the weather gets better. Kinda had enough of sweater days :) I love cable knit sweaters, they look good with jeans.

    Ela BellaWorld

  3. shadownlight

    Der Pullover ist ja toll. Ich hoffe jedoch, dass es bald Frühling wird.
    Liebe Grüße!

  4. Fashionably Idu

    I love cable knits. I can’t believe winter is coming to an end. Looking forward to your spring looks.

  5. Jeanne

    Cool sweater! Love the pop of stripes! ;)

  6. ivana split

    Spring is having cold feet here as well, I’m not sure when it will decide to show up….but well what can be done? I’m never sure when I will wear my last Winter outfit.

    I really like that sweater. Perfect jeans and boots. This is a really sweet casual styling. You look very pretty and chic.

    Did you dye your hair a shade darker? It looks really shiny and nice.

  7. Paola Lauretano

    Lovely sweater and cute bag!
    Kisses, Paola.

  8. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Such a great post! I am so obsessed with it!!!
    Hadasah Love ||

  9. Jessy

    Ein toller Look! Ich mag die Boots sehr gerne.

    Liebe Grüße Jessy

  10. Christine

    Ich finde gerade deinen Pulli total schön.
    So ganz traue ich dem Braten ja noch nicht. Hier gab es zwar schon ein paar schöne und milde Tage, aber nächste Woche soll sogar noch mal Schnee kommen!

  11. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    “Hi dear, this outfit looks great on you, as always I’m loving your sense of style!!! Keep it up :)

    “Have a nice day,

    Hadasah Love ||

  12. Priscilla

    Ich mag Stiefeletten so gerne, die passen auch noch in die Übergangszeit. Stiefel selbst sind dann schnell einmal zu warm.

    Liebe Grüsse



  13. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    mein Favorit ist die hübsche und süße Pünktchen-Tasche :-) Das habe ich dir schon in deinem anderen Post geschrieben :-) Das Outfit ist top! So ein ähnliches Outfit habe ich auch öfter im Winter getragen, aber die süße Tasche habe ich nicht. Ich habe eine große Tasche getragen. So eine Art Beutel-Tasche.
    Viele Grüße

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