fashion, travel and lifestyle

TooFaced Exclusive Palette – The Chocolate Shop – Review & Swatches

too faced the chocolate shop review + swatches

After hearing many good things about TooFaced eyeshadow palettes and seeing pictures of their cute packaging all over the internet I finally went ahead and tried my very first TooFaced palette.

I spotted their Christmas exclusive palette at Sephora and was sorely tempted – the great thing is that it not only contains a varied range of eye shadows but also miniature versions of some of TooFaced’ classics: the iconic Better Than Sex Mascara, Melted Chocolate liquid lipstick and a tube of 24H Shadow Insurance.

too faced the chocolate shop review

For anyone with a major chocolate craving, TooFaced offers a whole range of chocolate themed products from the iconic chocolate bar eye shadow collection to melted chocolate liquid lipstick. These products are also lightly chocolate-scented.

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop PaletteTooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

The Colours

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

The palette comprises a selection of both matte and shimmering colours – and take note of the cute, patisserie-themed names.


  • Indulge – silvered taupe
  • Cookie Dough – matte beige/gold sparkle
  • Raspberry Rose – matte light pink
  • Sugared Raisin – shimmering silvered mauve
  • Guilt-Free – matte soft lavender
  • Tootsie – matte rich chocolate brown
  • Gingerdoodle – champagne with shimmer
  • Chocaholic – matte sand
  • Cake Batter – matte soft peach
  • Butterscotch – metallic copper
  • Toffee Crunch – matte reddish brown
  • Lava Cake – dark cocoa brown with gold sparkle  Fav!
  • Honey Dip – shimmering gold
  • Pound Cake – shimmering pinked gold
  • Sugar Bells – metallic silver
  • Mint Chip – metallic sea blue
  • Jingle Berry – vibrant orchid
  • Huckleberry  – deep purple black with pink glitter  Fav!
  • Dessert’s On Me – shimmering icy white
  • Glaze – matte white cream
  • Banana Date – satin soft beige
  • Luminizer in Inner Light – pale peach pink with gold shimmer
  • Chocolate Soleil Bronzer – matte light chocolate brown
  • Blush in Chocolate Covered Strawberry – rose pink

You get a total of 21 colours.

18 of which are 0.03 oz in size and 3 are slightly bigger with 0.07 oz. On the right side, you get a highlighter, bronzer and blush which are 0.08 oz each.

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop PaletteTooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette


TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette nude swatches

Too Faced The Chocolate Shop Swatches from left – shimmering shades: Butterscotch, Indulge, Sugared Raisin

I have swatched the shimmering and matte nudes for you here. Of these, I particularly like Banana Date and Glaze which are perfect basic neutral shades. I also love that they come in a slightly bigger pan as neutral colours always tend to be the first empties in a palette. My two favourite shades are actually the darker ones that have coloured sparkle in them: Huckleberry has hot pink sparkle and Lava Cake copper-coloured sparkle (unfortunately, even though I tried my best, I couldn’t capture this on camera but they actually look quite stunning in real life if you like glitter).

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette nude swatches

Nude Shades from bottom to top: Dessert’s On Me, Glaze, Banana Date, Cake Batter, Honey Dip

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches

Too Faced The Chocolate Shop Swatches from left: Sugar Bells, Mint Chip, Jingle Berry, Huckleberry

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette swatches

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette swatches

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches: Cookie Dough, Gingerdoodle, Tootsie, Lava Cake

Luminizer, Bronzer and Blush

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches: Inner Light Luminizer, Chocolate Soleil Bronzer,  Chocolate Covered Strawberry Blush (from left)

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop palette swatches

TooFaced melted chocolate liquid lipstick

TooFaced melted chocolate liquid lipstick swatch in Chocolate Milkshake


TooFaced The Chocolate Shop PaletteTooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

To be honest – overall, I’m quite in love with this palette. I had never tried TooFaced before so all these shades were new to me . Also, I’m quite a fan of subtle shimmer in an eye shadow so I will actually use many of these shades in my everyday makeup. I also think you get a great selection of different products for the price so it was well worth it – especially when you have never tried anything from this brand. The Better Than Sex mascara is actually quite nice as well and I’m using it at the moment.

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette cute

Of course, the packaging with all its pink and gold is pretty much a girly girl’s dream come true – I love the little details such as this cute doggie and birdie cutout.

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

You can also take the actual palette out of the box to carry with you on its own. And you gotta love the diorama presentation of the miniatures!

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

The formula suffers some inconsistencies with several shades having a spectacular colour pay-off while others are just meh and have a bit of fall-out. Considering the amount of colours you get, I have to say, that this doesn’t bother me too much though.

The scent is noticeable but neither here nor there – bear in mind I’m usually not a fan of scented products though. This palette is supposed to smell of chocolate but to me it’s more of a milky sweet smell with maybe a hint of chocolate – like a very light chocolate milkshake. I have to admit I don’t need the scent but it’s not unpleasant either.


Would recommend for:

People who don’t have a lot of TooFaced eye shadows already

People who go in for cute packaging

Makeup starters (as you get a lot of different things here)

TooFaced The Chocolate Shop Palette

What would be your favourite shade?


 Have you ever tried any TooFaced products? What are your favourites?
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  1. Melanie

    Die Verpackung ist ja total süß :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  2. Carrie

    Wow die Farben sind super schön

  3. liebe was ist

    hach wie schön diese Palette ist! ich fühle mich immer direkt ein bisschen an die Kindheit erinnert, wo man Buntstifte schon nach Regenbogenfarben sortiert hat!
    super Review, danke dir!

    eine wundervolle Wochenmitte,
    ❤ Tina

  4. Jessy

    Die Palette sieht sehr interessant aus. Ich mag vor allem die natürlichen Töne! Die muss ich mir mal näher ansehen. Vielen Dank für den Tipp.

    Liebe Grüße Jessy von

  5. shadownlight

    Was für eine zauberhafte Verpackung!
    Liebe Grüße!

  6. The Fashion Folks

    The eyeshadows looks so so pretty! Love the ones that are more colorful and pigmented, the shades are so cute! Xx

  7. Rahel

    Ohhh die Verpackung ist echt toll aber generell gefallen mir auch die Farben!
    Super toller Post, meine Liebe, ich liebe solche Reviews! :)
    Allerliebste Grüße, Rahel –

  8. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Love these cute boxes – they open sooo many possibilities. Great post – love – Margot :)

  9. streetmadonna

    The sweet shop themes are so cute! I have not tried any of these products, but the swatches look great. I really like the pigment in the Mint Chip and Jingle Berry. I’m not a fan of scented products either, but I gotta admit I’m curious about what the supposed chocolate scent smells like. :)

  10. Jana

    Die Palette sieht ja wirklich klasse aus! Sehr schöne Farben :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  11. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Thank you for sharing dear, it’s always a delight to read your blog!!! :)
    “Much love,

    Hadasah Love ||

  12. Fashionably Idu

    I love how pigmented the shadows are. I may get this one, I love Too Faced.

  13. Notee

    This sounds amazing! Does it smell like honey? You will like to see more fashion from here.

  14. Lara

    Ich habe noch nie die Lidschatten von Too Faced ausprobiert, aber die machen auf alle Fälle einen guten Eindruck :-)
    Mein absoluter Heiliger Gral ist aber “Shadow Insurance” von denen…so toll und nichts verschmiert!


  15. thatblogthing

    So much love for this palette and need to try it asap :))

    xx, Zeki

    • caliope

      Thank you for stopping by! I love using it too x

  16. Chloe

    I LOVE Too Faced stuff! :) That palette is gorgeous! I recently just got the Chocolate Palette and looove it! :)

    xo, Chloe //

  17. ivana split

    Too Faced seems like a lovely palette. Great swatches!

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