fashion, travel and lifestyle

Casual Athleisure – yay or nay?

light pink athleisure spring outfit

I have a guilty pleasure to confide…

Ever since I can remember I’ve had an inordinate fondness for keyrings. It seems that I just can’t walk past them and thus, I have accumulated an impressive collection of various shapes and sizes over the years. The funny thing is — I hardly ever use them. The one you’re seeing in this post is one of them. I’ve had it for ages but it’s been sitting in its box, unused for ages. Made of bamboo wood with silver metal details and dark brown lace trim, shaped like a frog.

Furla frog keyring

Today’s outfit is also an unusual one for me as well – as you know I usually prefer my own version of dressed-up elegance over sporty casual any time…but there’s something to be said for athleisure. Or isn’t it? When seeing these pastel coloured hoodies in H&M’s new spring collection I actually went ahead and got one with split sides and a cherry blossom appropriate shade of rose pink. It’s crazy comfy and pretty useful for unsteady spring weather.

I have had a love/hate relationship with casual wear over the years but for lazy weekends or walks with the dogs sweatshirts and sneakers are actually a rather pragmatic choice which I catch myself resorting to more often than not lately.

Outfit Details:

Hoodie – H&M here

Pants – edc by Esprit

Wedges – flip*flop

Keyring – Furla


Nails: trend IT UP 020

light pink athleisure spring outfit with furla frog keyring

Nails – trend IT UP No1 in 020

cute Furla frog keyringlight pink athleisure spring outfitlight pink athleisure spring outfitfrom where I stand

I hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend and are enjoying the spring weather!

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  1. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Thank you for sharing dear, it’s always a delight to read your blog!!! :)
    “Much love,

    Hadasah Love ||

  2. everyone'starling

    Ich liebe deine Bilder – sehen wirklich toll aus :)
    Hab eine tolle Woche,
    Walli und Kathi von

  3. shadownlight

    Hey, casual finde ich gut, ich fühle mich einfach wohl in solchen Bekleidungsstücken.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag!

  4. Lena

    Hi! Ein ganz toller easy Look, das rosa steht Dir auch sehr gut! Der Schlüsselanhänger ist ganzzzz entzückend, den würde ich auch sofort haben wollen! Ganz liebe Grüße from Austria, Lena!

  5. Izabela

    That keyring is so cute.

  6. LindaLibraLoca

    Ich bin ein großer Fan von Athleisure Wear, so als Mutter ist das perfekt, um den Kindern hinterher zu rennen.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  7. Mica

    I love the pastel pink colour of your hoodie! :) I have a few hoodies I keep around as they are perfect for walking the dog in winter! :) I tend not to wear them much otherwise.

    Hope your Monday is going well and you are having a really good start to the week!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  8. Sinah

    Ich finde den Athleisure Look super. Und deine Kombi mit dem roséfarbenen Pullover ist einfach perfekt für den Frühling :)
    Und der Schlüsselanhänger ist ja mal sowas von süss*.*

    Ich hoffe du bist gut in die neue Woche gestartet und wünsche dir noch ein paar wundervolle und sonnige Tage diese Woche

    Liebste Grüße

  9. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Love this shade of pink :) You look great :) – Lots of love – Margot :)

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