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A Nerd and a Shirt [sponsored]

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Today I present you…a nerd shirt. As you may know, I have always been a huge science nerd but I also really liked playing video games as a kid.The very first fond gaming memory I have is of me playing Pac-man on a now vintage machine while we were on holiday in Kerry, Ireland 1990.

So when Kater Likoli, a German online store for printed designer T-Shirts, approached me and I saw this cute Pac-man shirt I knew I had to have it. This print is called Pac Nightmare as it features the little ghosts staring up at a huge Pac moon. Can you remember the ghosts’ names? I couldn’t and had to look them up…Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde. Sadly, I was never very good at playing Pac-Man in those days but I enjoyed it all the same.

Kater Likoli Pacman T-Shirt | Caliope Couture

Although I do like elaborate dressing I enjoy wearing fun shirts once in a while. Especially when I’m having a stressful week at work I might just pick a print shirt to lift my mood in the mornings. Sometimes it’s just a nice change to go for casual and I’m glad my workplace allows this. I usually combine shirts like this with simple monochromatic pants or a black skirt. I have added a statement fedora hat in dusty pink here as it matches the little pink ghost.

oli T-Shirt | Caliope Couture

oli Pacman T-Shirt | Caliope Couture

Kater Likoli T-Shirt | Caliope Couture

The T-Shirt is made from pure cotton which is the best for comfort in my opinion. What I really liked when picking my shirt is that the shop offers two different fits for girly shirts. With some designs you can actually choose between a fitted style with deep neckline (like the one I’m wearing) or a basic tee with loose-fitting style and a higher neckline. I think this makes it much easier for everyone to pick a fit they actually like wearing.

Some other nostalgic game related designs I like can be found here and here. I also like this one here. Kater Likoli offers a great variety of different prints but true to the company’s name (Kater means tomcat in German) there are quite a lot of fun cat themed prints to be had.

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P1220690 2 P1220670 2 Kater Likoli Pacman shirt | Caliope Couture

Outfit Details:

T-Shirt – Kater Likoli *

Fedora – Minimum, via Edited

Blazer – Promod

Pants + Boots – Esprit


Can you remember playing Pac-Man as a kid? What were your favourite video or arcade games?

Kater Likoli Pacman T-Shirt | Caliope Couture

*I received this product for free but my thoughts and opinions are 100% unbiased and my own. My blog is not the place for dishonest reviews.

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  1. Shireen L. Platt

    Haaa! That t-shirt is so cool! My husband played lots of Pac-man when he was younger so I can totally see him loving that!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    • caliope

      Thank you, Shireen! Glad you like it too ;)

  2. Danielle

    What a cute t-shirt! I really like the all-black look you created with it. I also like the pop of color added by the hat.


    • caliope

      Thank you very much, Danielle! Hope you have a great week :)

  3. Melanie

    Der Hut ist soooo toll :-*

    • caliope

      Danke Dir, Melanie :) Jaa, ich mag die Farbe auch total.

  4. Julia

    Das Shirt ist wirklich total cool und in Kombination mit dem Hut erstmal!
    Liebe Grüße

    • caliope

      Danke dir, Julia :) Hab noch einen schönen Tag!

  5. Natassia Crystal

    As a fellow nerd and science geek, I totally love that shirt! :)

    Looking lovely as always! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Natassia! Glad you like it :)

  6. Paola Lauretano

    Lovely tee and cool hat!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Paola!

  7. jenny

    Haha, I like how you call it a nerd shirt. I am guilty of still playing video games. We have a barcade (bar + arcade) just down the street that has all the 80s games!
    Such a cute t.
    ps. I remembered all of them except Clyde!

    • caliope

      I know what you mean, I could totally play video games hours on end nowadays as well…I just try not to as I tend to get sucked in ;) Ohh, that barcade sounds so cool!

  8. sammie

    Cute shirt

  9. Lea

    Der Hut ist super schön :)
    Liebst, Lea.

    • caliope

      Danke dir, Lea!

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