fashion, travel and lifestyle

Knits and Scarves

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This outfit is actually a favourite winter daytime look of mine as it combines some of my best-loved winter colours and items: a light coloured sweater with a cozy scarf and suede booties.

As I have mentioned before I love wearing light colours in general, but especially in winter. Tan is also a typical winter colour and this faux leather bag by H&M is a trusty companion. Plus, it’s huge so it is actually perfect for gift shopping or going to a xmas market (where you usually end up buying something).

Combining knits with leather or faux leather is actually one of my favourite looks right now – I just love how the different textures play together in this combination. In this outfit I’m wearing leggings with faux leather front inserts by Esprit. The sweater is made from Drops Merino Extrafine wool and was actually one of my very first handknits after I taught myself two years ago. I found similar ones here and here but the great thing about being able to knit is that you can always cater to your own whims and wishes.

Winter Sweater | Drops Design Merino Extrafine

I really like this basketweave pattern for instance but you can seldom find it in the stores. You can also work exactly with your own measurements to get a fully fitted result. Plus, looking at the price of some designer knits, purchasing your own wool is actually a really good deal (I love Drops Design wool, as they also have a huge collection of free patterns online). Not even mentioning the grounding and satisfying experience of creating something and not just buying something online. The only real drawback is the time it actually takes to finish an item when you also have a full-time day job…but I suppose that’s what slow fashion is all about.



The lighting issue being what it is right now I find it harder and harder to get good outfit shots outside. I’m aware that we’re not in Scandinavia and far away from the Arctic circle but sometimes it feels like the light slot has narrowed down to like 2.5 hours on a given day. Kinda looking forward to daylight saving around here.


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Outfit Details:

Sweater – handmade (Pattern by Grace Melville for Rowan, free pattern available here)

Leggings – Esprit

Boots – Tamaris (similar or heeled variety)

Scarf – Mala Alisha (similar)

Bag – H&M (similar here or here)



Mala Alisha scarf

Winter Sweater

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  1. Jana

    Der Pullover ist ja schön! Weiße Strickpullover sind einfach toll :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

    • caliope

      Vielen Dank, Jana :) Hab ein schönes Wochenende!

  2. Lena

    Hallooo….schöner Look! Das Foto mit dem Hundeschnäuzchen…..ahhh volll süüüßßßßßß….:))) Lg.Lena!

    • caliope

      Hallo Lena…danke dir :) jaa, er schleicht sich immer mal wieder aufs Foto!

  3. Gemma

    Really lovely outfit especially the scarf! Gemma xx

    • caliope

      Thanks Gemma! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  4. Helder Pereira

    You look great dear!

    • caliope

      Thank you Helder :)

  5. Hannah

    I can’t believe that you knitted the jumper yourself! That’s amazing and something that I wish I could do. You look really lovely and I love the whole outfit :) x

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Hannah! Glad you like it, I feel flattered :)

  6. jenny

    Love the scarf. The sweater is super cute and flattering.

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Jenny :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Ela

    Knit&leather combo looks great! I only have a leather jacket, I should really get myself a leather pants :)

    • caliope

      Yes, leather pants are actually quite versatile :) Have a great weekend!

  8. Bhavya

    Oh dear !! your jumper is are very talented :)

  9. Anouk

    I want leggings like these. Love the booties as well!


  10. Elizabeth

    Great outfit !! I can’t believe you made the jumper yourself !! I love making my own clothes but I tried knitting a while back and I was absolutely useless at it !! Love the post and I also love wearing light colors in the winter! Elizabeth :) Xx

  11. Jimena

    Sehr schöner Look, der Schal sieht wirklich toll aus! :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  12. Harija

    Thanks for the comments and love the post

  13. danielle

    cute winter look, you look great!

  14. Stefanie

    Sweet look <3 Looks a little vintage inspired actually :)

    xo Stefanie

  15. nancy

    I love that scarf! Beautiful colours.

  16. Adaleta Avdic

    Lots of scarves that I love!

  17. Natassia Crystal

    Looking cute and pretty! :)

    I might be wearing such a sweater in the winter! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  18. Ananya Kiran

    I love d way u styled ur whole look here 
    So stylish..So Chic 

    Button Down Shirt

  19. Mona // Fleur&Fatale

    Toller, kuscheliger Look=) Der Schal steht dir gut, mit den dunklen Haaren!

    Deine Mona von
    Fleur & Fatale

  20. Melanie

    Uii, die Lederleggings steht dir super udn du hast einen tollen Look dazu kombiniert .-*

    • caliope

      Dankeschön :)

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