When the temperatures hit another April low earlier this week I was really glad I had just received this wonderful wool poncho.
This beautiful piece hails from my latest collaboration with Fraas – The Scarf Company. It proves once again that ponchos are not just for the colder months but are just perfect for the transitional weather. This poncho has a fine fringe hem and a laser cut floral pattern which gives it a playful bohemian edge. The quality of the fabric is amazing – thin and lightweight yet very soft and it keeps you warm easily.
When Fraas contacted me I was quite excited at the prospect of being able to choose something from their Online Shop as I love scarves and have a respectable collection at home. Fraas looks back on 135 years of business tradition and the name stands for textile accessories of high exclusivity in terms of design and manufacturing. They pride themselves on having started as a hand weaver’s one-man shop in 1880 and are aiming to produce by sustainable standards. Today, they are one of the last textile manufacturers that still manufacture part of their range in Germany. Many of the yarns for their scarves are spun and dyed locally thereby leaving a smaller carbon footprint.
Ponchos for Spring
One of my favourite late fall looks last year was in fact a plaid poncho by Fraas which I found at Zalando (on sale there now!). You can revisit this look here. But I also have a cotton summer poncho with palmtrees which I hope to get some more wear out of at the office this summer. I love how a poncho or cape can transform an outfit. For today’s outfit, I styled the poncho with matching cream coloured pumps and a light blue and white striped off-the shoulder blouse from Street One with feminine lace details at the hem. I love the bohemian vibes which poncho and tunic blouse lend the outfit. I also added a scalloped zip pouch from Boden with contrasting back and front – the front is coral and the back is cognac coloured. This pouch also has a cute patterned cotton lining. While browsing though Fraas’ online shop I immediately fell for a few of their other pieces as well. I love the galaxy print scarves they currently have on sale here and here. Or this beautiful XXL scarf made from pure cashmere. They also have pieces with innovative fibers like milk proteins as part of their range which I love.
So if you’re still looking for a Mother’s Day gift or a pretty floral scarf for the coming season you get a 10% discount on all their merchandise with the Code Caliope0416 until 31.06.2016 in the Fraas Online Shop.
Outfit Details:
Poncho – Fraas*
Off-Shoulder Top – Street One
Pants – edc by Esprit
Pumps – Dorothy Perkins
Pouch – Boden
Ring – Kenzo (old)
Nails: mint candy apple by Essie

I just love how the wind played with the hem of the poncho here…
Als die Temperaturen Anfang der Woche ihren Tiefstand erreicht hatten, war ich unglaublich froh, dass ich grade diesen Poncho von Fraas erhalten hatte*. Dies zeigt malwieder, dass Ponchos eben nicht nur für die kühlere Jahreszeit, sondern auch ganz hervorragend in die Übergangszeit passen. Der Woll-Poncho hat ein florales Laser Cut Muster und einen feinen Fransensaum. Das Material verfügt über eine großartige Qualität – es ist fein und leicht, hält jedoch wunderbar warm und ist dabei sehr weich.
Da ich ein bekennender Schal-Liebhaber bin, habe ich mich sehr über die Kooperationsanfrage von Fraas gefreut denn es gehören bereits einige ihrer Stücke zu meiner kleinen Sammlung. Fraas schaut mittlerweile auf eine 135-jährige Firmengeschichte zurück. Der Name steht für qualitativ hochwertige Accessoires und modernes Design. Auch auf Nachhaltigkeit wird bei Fraas großen Wert gelegt, was ich sehr gut finde. Sie gehören heute zu einer der Textilmanufakturen, die zum Teil tatsächlich noch in Deutschland produzieren. So werden 70% der Garne noch regional versponnen und gefärbt.
Einer meiner Lieblings-Looks aus dem letzten Herbst war ein karierter Poncho von Fraas den ich bei Zalando gefunden habe (momentan im Sale!). Hier könnt ihr euch den Look noch einmal anschauen. Aber es gab auch einen sommerlichen Poncho mit Palmen den ich im kommenden Sommer sicher wieder gerne tragen werde. Ich finde es immer wieder faszinierend zu sehen wie man durch ein Cape oder Poncho einen Look verändern kann. Für das heutige Outfit habe ich den Poncho mit meinen farblich passenden Lieblingspumps und einer hellblau und weiß gestreiften Off-Shoulder Bluse von Street One kombiniert. Dazu trage ich eine kleine Zip Pouch von Boden im Wende-Design.
Wenn ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem leichten Schal für den Sommer oder einem Geschenk für den Muttertag seid, bekommt ihr mit dem Code Caliope0416 noch bis zum 31.06.2016 10% Rabatt im Online Shop von Fraas. Ich habe mich gleich in einige Stücke aus dem Shop verliebt, wie diese Schals mit Universum-Print hier und hier. Oder auch diesen XXL Schal aus reinem Kaschmir.
*Produkt wurde mir freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt.
Amazing outfit, I love that poncho…if you want follow me on my blog and I will follow you back immediately. :)
http://recenzije11.blogspot.ba/2016/04/big-giveaway-veliko-darivanje.html (BIG INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY)
aww love this look babe ♥
TheWhitePrint Blog
CGrabowska’s Instagram
Was für ein chicer Frühlingslook, sehr elegant gestylt :-*
Melanie / http://www.inblushandblack.blogspot.de
beautiful over the shoulder top, I love the elegance of your outfit. Great details.
Enjoy your weekend hun!
Kayla xo // Kayla’s Vibration
nice post off shoulder is my latest crave
beautiful off shoulder top… You look gorgeous in it… xoxo, neha
Ein wunderschöner Look, der sehr edel wirkt! Tolle Fotos.
Liebe Grüsse
Ein wunderschöner Look von Kopf bis Fuß. Und ich danke dir für den Reminder. Einen leichteren Poncho habe ich auch noch im Schrank, den werde ich in Erwartung der netten Temperaturen mal rausholen.
LG Anna
Wow super cute poncho!! Not only does it look good but it also looks like it feels so comfortable too!
Stephanie ● Sartorial Diner
Great look!!
Sehr hübscher Look! :)
Der Poncho ist wunderschön!
Photography & Fashion Blog
greawt ootd !
please follow my blog : YOUNG BLOG
The poncho looks really elegant! Love the colour and the way it suits you.
Bellísima y elegante es un outfit precioso.besos.
Toller Post & schöner Look! *.*
Danke übrigens für dein Kommentar! Hast du Lust auf gegenseitiges Folgen auf Bloglovin? Ich hab schon mal den ersten Schritt gemacht! ♥
Liebe Grüße, Meli :)
Stunning outfit, love this kind of poncho!! Thanks for your comment in my blog, would you like to follow each other?:)
You look beautifully elegant in this outfit; both the poncho and the heels are perfect and it looks like a wonderful springtime day there! :)
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Twitter | Instagram x
Cute outfit! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving me such a kind comment!
E from Helsinki, Finland
Wow such a beautiful and classy look, I love the wrap blouse and of course the pouch as I have it too :D You look beautiful. Gemma x
Beautiful your off the shoulder blouse!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Wunderschönes stimmiges Outfit. Genau richtig bei duesen wechselhaften Temperaturen. Danke für Deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog.
Wünsche Dir einen schönen Abend, ganz liebe Grüße Tina
Ich liebe die Off Shoulder Bluse ! ♥
Alles Liebe Laura ♥
You look classy and gorg!! Great details with the ensemble. :)
Toller Look! Der Poncho sieht wirklich super aus!! :)
Ich finde den Poncho wunderschön, der hat mich auf Anhieb total begeistert. Und das Oberteil ist auch sehr schön. Es wirkt luftig, elegant und sehr feminin.
Eine tolle Kombi!
Liebe Grüße!
It is so great that you’re collaborationg with a company that is ecologically conscious. Fraas seems like a great brand! This poncho they have sent you is wonderful…and you have styled it perfectly.
The laser cut details make this poncho even more feminine…and it is so nicely matched with the lace details on you white blouse.
you look dreamy!
styled to perfection!!!!
very feminine and pretty!!!!
The cape is beautiful and I love the detail on the blouse! The total look is amazing!
Such a beautiful look ,I love the way you styled this and I love the shoes. Have a great week!
Sehr schöner Look! Den Poncho habe ich auch und ich trage ihn einfach unheimlich gerne, der hat so eine tolle Qualität :)
Liebe Grüße,
Jana von bezauberndenana.de
The cut-outs on the poncho look very lovely! Beautiful outfit look too!
So lovely and chic!
Nazlıgül | on my own way
i love it! x
jess x | wellwellgirls.blogspot.com
Such a stunning outfit, I love the laser cut design x
Beauty with charm | Benefit Cheekathon Giveaway
Dein Look ist super schön ♥ Ich bin aktuell ein großer Fan von Beigetönen und diese hier an dir gefallen mir besonders gut!
Liebst, Melina
I love a lightweight poncho. They are perfect for transitional weather.
Such a cute look! I love Poncho x
What a beautiful piece! I love the details on the bottom of the poncho, and the soft beige is a beautiful colour
In love with your top and your poncho too!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
The top is really pretty, love the lace edge!
this looks fabulously cozy!
XO Sahra
Que Sera Sahra
That poncho is so beautiful, you can see the quality of the yarn, it must be very cozy! I really love the laser cut details, making for such a pretty piece to warm up with on these chilly spring days! Thanks so much for sharing, gorgeous girlie, and I hope you’re having a great start to your week so far!
That is a gorgeous poncho and love how you styled it with the off shoulder top. I have only one poncho made out of wool but for some reason I rarely use it.
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Such a fabulous chic outfit. Love how you styled it.
Gorgeous! Loving the poncho on you!
Raindrops of Sapphire
perfect lipstick color! you look so chic!
Love this look! You look amazing!!
Jac Fleurant
Lovely Poncho Hun!! xx
(New post: Japanese Candy Review!)
The Laser cut poncho is perfect for Spring, loving the laser cut detail!
The poncho is so elegant ;)
Mónica Sors
Cool look and that poncho’s details looks awesome :)
You look gorgeous! I like the lace details on the blouse and the poncho!
Tolles Outfit :) Steht dir super :)
Liebste Grüße,
Walli und Kathi von http://www.everyonestarling.com
Such a classy and elegant look!
Love your poncho! :D
I’m so down for the off-the-shoulder trend! :) You look great here!
Le Stylo Rouge
Oh, that poncho is gorgeous!!! The laser cut details are exquisite and the color makes it so chic. Thanks for introducing us to the brand, they seem to have long history in the indutrsy and that’s always a bonus. Overall you look very sophisticated and elegant.
Your poncho is beautiful! Love the detail! You look so chic!
Doused In Pink
such a pretty scarf and love the DIY!
Great look!
Sunita | http://www.alittlebitof.at
Such a fun look. Loving the off-the-shoulder top!
You look so chic and romantic. I love off the shoulder blouse with lace hem, so pretty.
Du siehst richtig klasse aus! Der Poncho ist unglaublich schön!
Liebste Grüße
Bea von Pink Room
Such a great poncho!!! I love this chic ensemble! You look SO beautiful!!
All the Cute 🎀
Today’s Post: White Eyelet Dress
I’ve been wanting to wear a poncho for the longest time but it isn’t easy to find here in the Philippines. You look great, btw! :)
Beautiful :) you’ve managed to put all the hits together. Off the shoulder top and poncho and heels and colours. Fantastic :) cheers Margot
Please correct : and poncho; ) of course
Gorgeous outfit, pretty woman and heels! :)
Yep, definitely love this post! :D
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Oh this outfit is suuuper pretty! Love the details of your top, and that laser cut poncho is amazing!
Hi Caliope,
I am glad I found another scarf lover! I have many scarves in my closet as well, different colors, patterns and of course many seasonal ones. Though, I don’t own a poncho because I feel they are a bit tricky on how to wear them. Yours is really amazing, I love the way you styled it. What a great gift from Fraas! Time to visit their online shop!
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