fashion, travel and lifestyle

Life Lately | #Insta Roundup

Republica 10

#rpTEN: entrance hall

The first half of the year is almost over – time for a little lifestyle roundup of the last two months or so. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen one or the other of these pictures already. But it’s always nice to look back at some of the highlights of the last weeks in pictures.

 I may do a roundup like this regularly from now on. Starting with some impressions from re:publica TEN, a blogger conference, which I was lucky to attend back in May here in Berlin. I promise I’ll do a separate post to show you some of the other cool fashion-related things I’ve discovered there (surprisingly!).

I have not only started making lots of smoothies lately but have also taken up my yoga practice again. I had an exercise break two years ago and haven’t been back to my old routine since but I have started doing a few poses each day which is good. This is actually an old shot from a few years ago of me getting into Trikonasana…

There are dogs allowed at my workplace so, needless to say, I’m quite the popular co-worker (as I usually have dog treats in my coat pockets).

dogs at work

#fromwhereIstand: my favourite colleague #atwork

happy fries

#vegetarianfood: Happy Fries at re:publica

dress with heart monitor at republica ten

#futurefashion: dress with build-in heart monitor

banana mint smoothie

#smoothielove: with fresh mint from my own garden

Yoga Triconasana

#yoga: trying to make time for daily practice again

green tea icecream Berlin

#icecream: green tea and white chocolate in Berlin Kreuzberg

Akita mix

#love: me and my boy #seniordogsrock


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  1. Uzo

    Great pictures and that meal looks delicious . Hope you have a great weekend!

    • caliope

      Thank you! It was so yummy. You have a lovely weekend too.

  2. Giulia

    Lovely photos, I love dogs! Thanks for your comment in my blog, would you like to follow each other?:)

  3. Jill

    Beautiful photos! Those happy fries look so good!

    Doused In Pink

  4. Gemma

    Aww loved your pics, it’s a lovely roundup. Have a great weekend. Gemma x

  5. WMBG

    So many great impressions <3


    Wiebke von WMBG


  6. Jalisa

    Ok, so now I’m having a huge craving for fries, haha! They look SO good! Thank you for sharing these photos because even though I follow you, I don’t believe I’ve seen most of these in my feed. It has to be the time difference :( I hope you have an amazing weekend ahead, beauty!



  7. Beauty Unearthly

    Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  8. Jana

    Schöne Bilder und so süße Hunde :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  9. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Hahaahah – great pics :) :D . Kisses – Margot

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