fashion, travel and lifestyle

Blogversary + International Giveaway

international giveaway

It’s giveaway time! As I mentioned before, I was initially planning a giveaway to celebrate my first blog anniversary. I have to admit that was actually back in March but I simply didn’t have the time back then. Nevertheless, I wanted to share some love. So I’m bringing you the chance to enter this giveaway as a little consolation. I also have something else in store for you next month so stay tuned.

This giveaway has been organized by a wonderful group of bloggers and you can win an amazon giftcard worth US$300. The best thing is that it’s open worldwide so wherever you are – feel free to enter and take a chance at getting a giftcard to spend on whatever you like. I love the idea of an amazon giftcard as they just have such a huge range of products to choose from and a little free money to spend always comes in handy. This is a group giveaway so there will be lots of extra entries to maximize your chances but you can also just enter once. It will be open till August 17th.

Rules: You can use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 8/17 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I wish everyone who enters the best of luck!! I hope it’s one of my readers who wins. Be sure to follow some of the lovely bloggers that are helping to put this great giveaway together to gain more entries.

amazon giveaway



Prize: $300 Amazon Gift Card

Co-hosts: Coupons and Freebies Mom // Misadventures with Andi // SWEETHAUTE //  Splash of Teal // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // Pretty Thrifty // A Better Me // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Simone – Your Style Architect // Sweating Champagne // Fleek Week // Dorky’s Deals // Behind Blue Eyes // True Story Book Blog // A Wandering Vine // It Girl Accessories // A Noted Life // Casey At: Work, Home, Play //  Taffeta & Tulips // Surviving Mommy // Heartfully Heather // Style On The Side //  JUGGLING ACT MAMA // Blog by Donna // Smartysaver

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!

Are you a fellow blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!


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  1. Izabela

    What a lovely giveaway.

    • caliope

      Thanks Izabela :)

  2. Toyas Tales

    Cool giveaway. I just entered. Hopefully I win so I can get this blowdryer off my Amazon wishlist.

    • caliope

      Best of luck to you! Have a lovely week. x

  3. Nadia

    Happy blogiversary, lovely!! Fab giveaway, I will make sure to check it out & enter <3
    xox Nadia

    • caliope

      Thank you! Good luck if you decide to enter.

  4. Doreen's Style Diary

    This is a great give away. Amazon is one of my favorite places to shop.

    • caliope

      I know, right? I have sooo many things on my wishlist x

  5. Amanda Mércuri

    Parabéns pelo aniversário do Blog! Adorei esse sorteio. Boa sorte pra todos que participarem!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

    • caliope

      Muitíssimo obrigada! x

  6. El's Fashion Fix

    Happy Blogiversary lovely! Congratulations!

    El xx

  7. Ela

    Congratulations :) I hope there will be many more years! I have so many thing on my wishlist, I don’t which one I would want the most maybe go-pro?:) x

    Ela BellaWorld

  8. Julia (The Velvet Runway)

    Happy Blogiversary!
    Great giveaway! Amazon has so much choice!
    Julia x

  9. Gemma

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Have a great week. Gemma x

  10. Candace

    What a great giveaway! Happy Blogversary too :)

  11. Carina

    This is an awesome giveaway! How fun you girls to organise it.


  12. The Fashion Folks

    Sounds so lovely, perfect giveaway! And happy -late- blogversary! Xx

  13. Ania

    Wow!! Amazing giveaway ;)
    Like me on FACEBOOK

  14. enrica

    congrats for your first year of the blog!!


  15. Pisa

    Glückwunsch Liebes! Tolles Gewinnspiel!
    Liebst, Pisa

  16. Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid

    Happy Belated Blogaversary! What an awesome giveaway!

  17. Sora

    Happy belated blog anniversary! ;) Amazon gift cards are always such a godsend. You can get everything on there!

    Via Sora || Brock Baker on Being a Warbler and More
    GIVEAWAY: Win a Pink Instax Mini 8!
    instagram · twitter · pinterest · bloglovin

  18. Ivi

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 1. Blog-Bday! Schönes Gewinnspiel! xoxo

  19. Patricia


  20. Nancy

    On my amazon wishlist are:
    -BellaPierre Make-up Base
    -Biomed Peel me Up 50ml
    -New Brand oh Light EDP 100ml
    -Female Condom
    -Real Techniques Travel Essentials
    -Real Techniques Core Collection
    -FLORASCENT Aqua Colonia Du Soleil EDT 60 ml
    -Lana del Rey Born to Die

    Have a sunny day.
    Nancy :)

  21. Nicole

    Happy belated anniversary! I’d love to my a fujifilm instax for my sister :)

  22. Monique

    Camera Equipment

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