fashion, travel and lifestyle

Elephant Bags + Prints



Keeping in line with last post’s theme I decided to do a whimsical little selection of pretty things with elephant prints and related accessories.

I may have expressed my love for Loewe bags before. Although I adore the colourful versions, I also like the new punk elephant crossbody here in black. I think it’s just so cute and would be quite versatile. The Origami Jewellery necklace has actually been on my wolfandbagder wishlist for a while now but I’m still waiting for it to go on sale.

H&M off shoulder top
€8 –

Loewe wallet
€340 –

Taupe clutch (sold out)

Origami Jewellery elephant necklace
€130 –

Stella + Dot purse
€21 –


H&M has several items with this cute Indian elephant print in their current summer collection as part of the H&M Loves Coachella special. And the best thing is, they are on sale right now here, here and here! I’ve already snatched up one of the tops for me and will show you in one of the next outfit posts.


H&M elephant print


 Have you found anything in the H&M sale this summer?

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  1. primrose

    Love this – such a cute idea! x

  2. Amy Arnold

    Such fun pieces!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  3. carolina

    omg… I didn’t know I needed an elephant bag till now… I am obsessed !!

  4. Ramona

    I think I have some friends who would love those elephant bags (BTW ever wondered why most people do have a favourite animal? With most of my friends I know one animal they will not get enough stuff with!)
    And I haven’t found anything at H&M lately but will go there later today to maybe buy another two of the skull towels or a basic shirt for another DIY project…

  5. Vanessa Berlin

    Love all of them! In love with the clutch, so cute. The tops are perfect for Summer, great to add a fun touch to any look!

    Vanessa, xo!

  6. Fiona

    So schöne Ideen! Das Modell von Loewe ist definitiv mein Favorit :)
    Liebe Grüße, Fiona

  7. El's Fashion Fix

    The H&M off the shoulder elephant print top is so cute, I LOVE it!

    El xx

  8. Sonya

    Love the tops and the necklace! <3

    Love from The Last Voguette,

  9. Josephin

    how cute! <3

    // Tensia

  10. sophie

    Loving the elephant print.The bags are so cute as well.

  11. darriyan

    wow these are so pretty! i need some! Thanks for sharing!!


  12. Gemma

    These are amazing!

    Gemma x

  13. Melanie

    die Taschen sehen ja richtig süß aus :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  14. Hella

    Oh wie süß. Ich bin zwar gerade eher bei Ananas und Banane, aber die Sachen sind auch wirklich toll!
    Liebe Grüße,
    Hella von http.//

  15. Gabrielle

    Oh, how sweet! I very rarely see elephant prints around and so this was refreshingly different edit :) In particular, I like the Origami elephant necklace!

  16. alessandra

    I love Elephant prints

  17. Jamie

    I love that pattern! It’s very subtle.


  18. Stanislava

    The bags are way too cute! I haven’t seen an elephant bags but there’s always a first time for everything.

  19. Milli

    Oh sind die Taschen süß!!! Die gefallen mir wirklich richtig gut. Auch die Tops von H&M sind ganz süß, aber für mich leider viel zu kurz geschnitten. Hatte sie im Laden gesehen, bin dann aber dran vorbei gegangen.

    Liebe Grüße, Milli

  20. The Fashion Folks

    How cute aren’t these love the top one to the right! Elephants as pattern/shape are always so charming! Xx

  21. Joanna

    Da ist mir gerade eingefallen, wie letztes Jahr Clockhouse XL ein T-Shirt mit einem Elefanten in seiner Kollektion hatte. Das sorgte für viel Wut in einem Plus Size Forum, dass ich folge. Wegen Plus Size und Elefantenmotive. War ziemlich lustig.
    Ich finde Elefanten toll und die Sachen, die du hier ausgesucht hast sehr süß :)

  22. ivana split

    love these elephant bags, they are so cute:)

  23. shadownlight

    hey, die prints finde ich toll, ist mal etwas anderes!
    liebe grüße!

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