fashion, travel and lifestyle

Shopping Ban Update – 002

fall wishlist II

The second month of my shopping ban is officially over and I’m well into the third month. Time just flies! So high time to give you an update on how I have been doing.

Judging from the collage I chose as a visual for this post, you might conclude that I haven’t been able to resist but fortunately, that’s not the case…well not quite at any rate.

Month 2 – August

Compared to the first month, August was considerably harder. It was more difficult to  stay away from all the online shops and I started getting really annoyed at not being able to buy anything (going through the 5 stages of grief here?).

The appearance of fall collections all over the place didn’t help to ameliorate this feeling. To top it all off, I found a UK website that has some Christopher Raeburn bags from past collections on sale! In case I hadn’t mentioned it before, I have a little crush on all the animal-themed leather bags by Christopher Raeburn such as this little shark bag here. As of now, I have none of them in my collection as the prices are quite high and I kept thinking they were a luxury I didn’t really need. But after the shark bag sold out I was actually pretty devastated (yes, I know, still talking about a bag here!).  So OMG, now this was hard. I managed to stay away though! I just didn’t want to quit after managing reasonably well in July.

Month 3 – September

When I started my shopping ban I said that 3 months were my minimum goal so knowing that this would be the last month of the ban, if I wanted it to be, made it a bit easier. I  only bought a few cosmetics/beauty items that didn’t amount to much of a dent in the wallet. The fall collections have still been on my mind though and I couldn’t resist compiling a wishlist of some items that caught my eye. Although I still plan to keep my spending to a minimum next month there are a few items I would love to add to my fall wardrobe. I have been seeing metallic pleated midi skirts all over the place and I love lace up flats so these are some of the things I probably would have bought if I wasn’t on the ban.

Fall Wishlist

Topshop Limited Edition boots / Pleated metallic skirt /  Zara Studded Bag (sold out) / Lace up Ballerina Flats / bell&fox – Fox Crossbody / Copper lamp

Have you bought something new recently? Or are you trying to curb your spending habits as well? Hope you have all had a lovely week so far.

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  1. Jana

    Ich finde es echt bewundernswert, dass du das so gut durchhälst :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  2. Lara

    Oh, wahnsinn! So lange ohne shoppen habe ich noch nie durchgehalten..Chapeau!
    Der Rock ist ja mal der absolute Hammer – perfekt fuer den Herbst!

    Liebe Grüße und einen guten Start in das Wochenende, Lara THE DAINTY THINGS

  3. Carol in a Page

    You’ve been doing really well, congratulations! ;)
    I’m not on a complete spending ban, but I’m definitely on a budget.

    • caliope

      Thank you Carol! I’m quite happy that I managed to come this far but it was hard in patches. It’s always good to know that others watch their spending as well :) I will try to go on a budget too when the ban is over. x

  4. Lali

    Ohhh, I love this skirt!! <3

    • caliope

      Thank you Lali

  5. Shireen L. Platt

    Shopping ban is never easy but it does get easier over time. I think the longest I went was 6 months. I did buy stuff that I need like mascaras as they ran out but nothing else. Was it easy? Not really because I want everything if possible but it’s do-able.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    • caliope

      I completely agree – once you’ve managed to resist for a month or two it does get a little easier. But there’s always cravings and sales.. :) Well done on 6 months though! x

  6. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    ich bewundere dich auch total für dein Durchhaltevermögen was den Verzicht aufs Shopping angeht. Finde es echt super :-) Ich habe jetzt in den letzten zwei Wochen auch nichts gekauft, weil ich im Urlaub war und die nächsten Monate will ich auch sparen, weil ich bereits den kompletten Urlaub für nächstes Jahr gebucht habe und deshalb momentan kein Geld für Mode übrig bleibt.
    Ich wünsche dir ein wundervolles Wochenende :-*
    Viele Küsschen

    • caliope

      Vielen Dank, liebe Jasmin! Es fällt mir auch nicht wirklich leicht, obwohl es mit der Zeit besser geworden ist. Man merkt einfach, dass man auch mal damit leben kann, wenn man nicht alles kauft, was einem gefällt. Und trotzdem noch genug zum Anziehen hat ;) Toll, dass ihr schon Pläne für nächstes Jahr gemacht habt. Für Urlaube ist das Geld auch einfach gut investiert, das kann ich total nachvollziehen! Dir auch ein wundervolles Wochenende x

  7. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Hahahah – well done !!! Cheers – Margot :)

  8. Daria

    Wow, It´s so cool but so hard at the same time. I don´t think I could do something like that! Probably, I would go crazy! :)
    You are obvioulsy a strong-willed person!

    Daria from

  9. Lauren

    I think I need a major shopping ban, you’ve done well to last so long!

    Lauren x |

  10. LindaLibraLoca

    Ich bin nicht ganz so streng, aber ich erlaube mir das Shoppen nur zu besonderen Gelegenheiten (Urlaub zum Beispiel) und nehme nicht mehr immer was mit, wenn ich in der Drogerie bin. Das hat einen großen Unterschied gemacht.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

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