fashion, travel and lifestyle

Life Lately – Insta Recap 4

To say life has been busy lately would be an understatement – it has been full-blown crazy. Here are a few impressions of what’s been going on lately and why I’ve made myself so scarce.

Wedding – You all know about the wedding that took place in the last week of August – that was one of the big events this summer. While we tried to keep everything to a stress-free minimum the last weeks before the big day were filled with last minute preparations, making takeaway guest favours and taking care of other little details. All in all, it turned out to be a gorgeous ceremony and dinner with a small circle of friends and family. And we enjoyed it immensely!


Diagnosis – A few weeks before the wedding we went to the vet for a routine ear checkup and I mentioned a lump I had discovered on Diamante’s belly. It turned out to be a mammary tumor in an early stage of growth and the vet advised us to have it removed as soon as possible. As we wanted to have the akita in our wedding photos we postponed the surgery until two days after the wedding. One side of his belly had to be completely shaved. The incision turned out to be 30 cm in length and the weeks that followed surgery were very exhausting for all of us. Needless to say, I was very worried on first hearing the diagnosis. Only about 1% of male dogs develop breast cancer and the prognosis is often not good. However, turns out we were incredibly lucky in having found the lump so early.

The boy is a trooper but he was very sick for about ten days afterwards as antibiotics and pain medication didn’t go too well with his reduced kidney function. That meant a lot of sleepless nights, trying to sleep on the floor beside him and taking him outside whenever he got restless. Not to mention our first contact with doggy diapers.

I feel incredibly lucky to say that – rather miraculously – after taking him off all medication and after five days of hardly eating anything, the vomiting and incontinence stopped and we got our old boy back. Complete with barking at us when he wants attention and stealing macarons from my hand when I’m not careful. This episode brought me close to breakdown but we worked through it and I’m just so grateful right now.


Changes – To top all of that, I’m still super unhappy with the direction my job is taking and am contemplating a change. This kind of decision needs time to develop though so right now, I’m just happy to have some time to breathe after all the drama this summer had in store. This also explains why I haven’t been around much on social media or commenting and reading other blogs. I hope this changes soon and I will get the time to finally catch-up with your blogs!


white gold and diamond engagement ring

#engagement: after 9 years we did the deed #gothitched


akita as best man at the wedding

#bestman: Diamante at my #wedding photo shoot


akita in leotards after surgery

#aftersurgery: akita in leotards with a shaved belly


work place wedding gift

#officelove: my colleagues’ wedding gift


bread and butter 2017 in marc jacobs

#breadandbutter17: rocking it in vintage #MarcJacobs


sweater weather

#sweaterweather: started knitting again #favouriteseason


breast cancer survivor

#survivor: feeling just so incredibly lucky to have him back #grateful #2weeksaftersurgery


Hope you are all well and having a fabulous week! Are you looking forward to fall as much as I do?

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  1. shadownlight

    Schön, dass es dem Kleinen wieder besser geht!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank Jenny! Das wünsche ich dir auch x

  2. Nikoline

    I love these type of posts, keep them coming! Also glad to hear that your dog is feeling better <3


  3. curls all over

    Ein wirklich schöner Beitrag :) und so schöne Fotos!

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Janine

    Och ich bin so froh, dass es Deinem Hund wieder gut geht! Die Angst, wenn es dem Haustier schlecht geht,kenne ich so gut! Ich könnte mir ein Leben ohne meinen Kater Mexx niemals vorstellen!
    Auch sonst scheinst Du viel um die Ohren gehabt zu haben – nachträglich Glückwünsche zur Hochzeit :D
    Liebste Grüsse – auch von einer Strick-Omi (bei mir gibt’s eine Decke :D)
    Janine von

  5. Paola Lauretano

    Lovely pics and cute dog!
    Kisses, Paola.

  6. Marcel

    Das Hochzeitsgeschenk von deinen Kollegen sind ja richtig lieb aus. Wirklich schön. Ich freue mich zu hören, da der Kleine wieder wohl auf ist. Das war sicherlich erstmal ein Schock aber Gott sei Dank ist es gut ausgegangen.
    Alles liebe

  7. Mica

    Congratulations on your wedding! So sorry to hear about your dog though, how scary! I’m glad it was caught early and the prognosis is good! :)

    We found a lump on our pup a while back and he had to have surgery to remove ti – I was very emotional and broke down in tears when we got the call to say they’d investigated and found it what it was, thankfully it was good news and it was all removed, but thinking of the ‘what ifs’ if we hadn’t caught it early was very scary!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  8. Jessica

    What a lovely pooch! Congratulations on your engagement dear.

    Jessica |

  9. Gemma

    Oh Christina what a lot you are going through. Congratulations on your wedding and my thoughts are with you in this worrying time with Diamante. I hope he feels well soon and makes a full recovery! Gemma x

  10. Meredith

    Cute roundup! Congrats on the wedding!


  11. Rena

    Da bin ich so froh, dass es Eurem Hund wieder besser geht!
    xx Rena

  12. Leni

    Ein sehr schöner Rückblick! *-* Klingt als wäre die Hochzeit echt toll gewesen.
    Dein Kleid welches du zur Bread & Butter getragen hast, gefällt mir richtig gut.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne neue Woche!
    Liebst, Leni

  13. Mercy

    The ring is so beautiful, congratulations on your wedding!

  14. Saba

    Congratulations on your wedding Christina! That’s wonderful news and I’d love to hear all about your wedding dress and other details from the day!

    On a different note, I was very sorry to hear about the health problems and surgery your dog went through. It must have been so stressful and scary. I’m relieved to hear he came through the surgery and is fighting fit again!

    It’s great to have you back in the blogosphere!

    Lots of love Saba xx

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