fashion, travel and lifestyle

Life Lately – #Insta Roundup

Throwback Dublin Rathmines

#throwback: Dublin one year ago

I’m sorry this update took so long in coming but life seems to have gotten the better of me the last few weeks. When I come home from my day job, there never seems to be enough time to do all the things I want to…

Luckily, I have a long-awaited holiday coming up in October. And afterwards I hope to get back on track with better time management. So if I haven’t been as active this month it’s not because I’ve forgotten you but I simply had a very low energy month. Most nights I just fell into bed completely exhausted. A sure sign that I need a break…which is why I’m so happy that we’ve finally decided on a holiday destination and booked everything. I’ll tell you more about that later though!

September, my birthday month, and one of my favourite times of the year weather-wise. I loved the late summer days and the first signs of autumn approaching!

cirrocumulus clouds in September

#cirrocumulus: September morning mood over Berlin

Fall leaves and patent leather loafers

#fromwhereIstand: Fall is coming!

Akita Love

#homesweethome: Home is where your dog is #akitalove

cupcakes and doodles cupcake berlin

#food: cupcakes and doodles at the office by Cupcake Berlin

cactus birthday present

#cactuslove: Birthday present from my coworkers

Rittersport chocolate sculpture Berlin central station

#cravings: at Berlin central station there’s a huge sculpture of Rittersport chocolate bars #discoveryourcity


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  1. Sophie

    September is also my birth month and I hope you can get back on track after your holiday. Nice pictures.

  2. Gemma

    Great photos, I love your insta account! Have a lovely weekend. Gemma x

  3. shadownlight

    hey, danke für die tollen inspirationen. die cupcakes haben mich ja regelrecht angelächelt :).
    liebe grüße!

  4. Jimena

    Sehr schöner Rückblick, dein Hund ist ja süß :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  5. LindaLibraLoca

    Diese Rittersport-Skulptur würde mich ja in den Schuko-Wahnsinn treiben, das sieht ja richtig lecker aus.
    Und das mit der niedrigen Energie kenne ich. Also geniess Deinen Urlaub und komm erholt zu uns zurück. Ich bin schon gespannt, wo es euch hin verschlägt.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  6. Minnja

    Wunderbare Eindrücke <3

    Auf einen tollen Oktober <3

    Liebste Grüße
    Claudia von

  7. Zorica

    Great post

  8. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Great images :) . I hope your holidays are/ were great :) . Cheers – Margot :)

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