I have recently stumbled upon the 2015 Essie Fringe Luxeffects LE in my local drugstore. Being inexplicably drawn to glitter polishes sometimes I decided to get one of them. So let’s start the new year off with another Essie nail polish review.
Author: caliope (Page 21 of 35)
Biologist and Fashion Blogger
My first outfit of 2016 is a simple bohemian look with this colourful Dvf cardigan over a comfortable jersey dress.
Not long now and the old year will be over. I always like the turning of a year as it always brings with it that invigorating feeling of a new beginning.
As the year is drawing to a close let’s look back at some of the outfits I posted over the last year.
This outfit is a fun streetstyle with a casual vibe I shot while we were still in Berlin. We actually packed our bags and went home to our families in the countryside over Christmas which is always a nice change from the big city.
I found this Color Trend polish by p2 a few months back and I think it is actually a great lacquer for the festive season.
The countdown is on and christmas only one more day away. Have you all got your presents ready yet? Being a huge fan of DIY gifts I wanted to share this cute idea for mini fruitcakes in a jar which you can make in under an hour and which make fabulous little gifts.
Temperatures have been soaring up to 12 °C last weekend so there is no real need for a coat at the moment. This fringed poncho by Esprit which I found at AboutYou is perfect for this kind of weather though.