fashion, travel and lifestyle

Happy Halloween…Monthly Recap

Autumn Collage | Caliope Couture 2015

All Hallows’ Eve, Samhain or Halloween! It’s already the 31st and October is almost over. Time is flying so I thought I’d do a quick monthly recap.

October is usually the epitome of autumn and all those things this lovely season brings with it.Things I’ve loved and continue to love – in no particular order:

  1. The colours
  2. Hot baths
  3. Chestnuts
  4. Boots
  5. Knitting with wool again (no more evil moths around who are looking to procreate in my wardrobe, hopefully!)
  6. Scarves
  7. Pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin pasta, pumpkin cheesecake…need I really say more?
  8. Rainy days + wearing wellies to work
  9. Getting my gloves out
  10. Dark nights + illuminated dogs
  11. Leaf tornadoes
  12. Akitas and yellow leaves are a perfect match!

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To help you get into the proper Halloween spirit make sure to check out the cute tech-inspired android and tetris pumpkins I just found here at HighQblog.


Yellow autumn leaves

Favourite Esprit gloves

Favourite Esprit gloves from last year’s collection

Cocoa bath balls by Balea

Akita mix and yellow leaves | Caliope Couture

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  1. Jana

    Richtig tolle Eindrücke, der Hund ist so süß :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

    • caliope

      Danke dir, liebe Jana! :)

  2. Irene

    Trick or treat! Happy Halloween:)

  3. ivana split

    your akita is amazing!…I agree about them looking great against the background of yellow leaves, but they always look great….such a pretty breed!
    lovely selection of Autumn photos…<3

    • caliope

      Thank you very much, dear Ivana! I will let him know :)

  4. Izabela

    I can’t believe October is over. Lovely photos.

    • caliope

      Thank you, Izabela! Yes, time flies :)

  5. Missy Festklanningar

    I love very nice Halloween Day

    • caliope

      Yeah, Halloween is great fun, isn’t it? :)

  6. Carrie

    great pics
    Posts online about Amalfi, Amsterdam, RIo…

    • caliope

      Thanks, Carrie!

  7. otherplaceswithparks

    lovely post! and what a cute dog! <3

    • caliope

      Aww, thank you very much :)

  8. Ela

    I’ve been loving almost the same things in October :) Your gloves are so pretty, I like the hearts on it. I bet cocoa bath balls smell so good! xx

  9. Lili

    What wonderful things for October. I love hot baths and chestnuts, and the Akita with the yellow leaves is beautiful!

  10. Gabrielle

    The warm colours of Autumn has to be one of the greatest attributes of the season – they’re so beautiful! I love all of the things you’ve listed.. especially the smell of roasted chestnuts! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

    • caliope

      Thank you, Gabrielle! So glad you agree…autumn is the best :)

  11. Kate

    Tolle Herbstbilder ♥
    Ich selbst stricke auch wahnsinnig gerne, während der kalten Jahreszeit!

    Ganz liebe Grüße
    Kate von

    P.S. Habe dich sogleich bei bloglovin abonniert

    • caliope

      Vielen Dank, Kate! Ja, stricken passt einfach perfekt zur Jahrezeit :) Ich habe dich auch gleich meiner Liste hinzugefügt^^

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