fashion, travel and lifestyle

Outfit Recap November 2016

Outfits November 2016

There’s no other way of saying it – November was a weird month!

While the start of the month was mainly given over to a feeling of ennui, I was almost exuberant by the end of it. Returning from the tropics to life in Berlin and the office proved unexpectedly harsh. A few exciting cooperations and unexpected Black Friday beauty steals later things looked far less bleak though.

My outfits last month are all shoots from Malaysia and Singapore which accounts for the summery vibes. As you can probably imagine, there’s still a lot of holiday-related material in the pipeline and I still have some vacation outfits to show you.

Nevertheless, I have been happily embracing boots and sweaters in the meantime. And I have not been idle these last few weeks and shot a few winter looks. Hopefully you will get to see them soon!

Der Monat November war dieses Jahr sehr seltsam für mich. Der Anfang des Monats war erstmal ziemlich anstrengend, da ich grade erst aus dem Urlaub zurück war und mich hier in Berlin regelrecht wieder einleben musste. Gegen Ende des Monats hingegen sah die Sache dann schonwieder ganz anders aus: nach ein paar netten Kooperationen und einigen tollen Black Friday Beauty Buys war ich dann schon fast wieder unnormal gut gelaunt.

Die Outfits, die es letzten Monat zu sehen gab, stammen alle noch aus Malaysia oder Singapur. Dementsprechend gab es bisher auch noch keine Winter-Looks von mir. Aber zur Arbeit trage ich jetzt natürlich jeden Tag Pullover, Mäntel und Stiefel in verschiedenen Kombinationen. Davon habe ich in den letzten Wochen natürlich auch schon ein paar fotografiert, so dass ich sie euch hoffentlich bald zeigen kann!

white maxi dress on white beachnavy culotte and white sneaker casual style in Mersingsingapore christmas vibes

To revisit last month’s looks see here, here and here

Hope you’re all having a fabulous week so far!

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  1. Jalisa

    I can certainly relate to having been hit hard with reality after returning from an amazing tropical vacation, not easy the first couple of days, haha! I love your outfits you wore while away, especially the one of you in that white dress on the beach, so pretty! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have the best week ahead, girlie!



  2. Melanie

    Total schöne Looks, da will ich wieder Sommer haben .-*

    Melanie /

  3. shadownlight

    Das weisse lange Kleid ist ja wohl ein Traum, steht dir wundebar!
    Liebe Grüße an dich!

  4. Idu

    Settling back in is challenging after a vacay. I’m embracing boots too and I love your looks.

  5. Amy Ann Arnold

    Fun looks! Hard to believe it’s already December.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. Ramona

    Iiiirgendwie könnte das erste, lange, weiße ja fast nen Hochzeitskleid sein… so für die Umgebung…? Schick!

  7. Carrie

    wow super schöne Looks

  8. Jimena

    Wow, richtig tolle Outfits!

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  9. Jana

    Das erste Outfit finde ich einfach traumhaft schön! :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  10. Mica

    Love your holiday outfits – especially that white maxi dress, what a nice piece! :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful week :) Coming back from holidays is always hard!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  11. Hadasah Love (Style to Love)

    Love everything about this post! So cute!
    Love, Hadasah Love | Instagram @hadasahlove

  12. sonia // daring coco

    I wish I could say I was struggling to get back into the swing of things after a whirlwind trip but sadly my struggles pertain to such scarcities!


  13. Naghmeh

    outfits are super cute. I know what you mean about going away and then coming back to harsh…everything lol. When I came back from my honeymoon last year I wanted to just crawl into a hole with hot chocolate.

    The Fashionista Bubble

  14. Amra

    Soo cute outfits *_* <3

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