fashion, travel and lifestyle

Life Lately – Insta Recap #1

glam glitter shoes for new year

The first week of the new year is already almost over! Time for a few impressions of life over the past few weeks. Some of these are from my instagram profile while others haven’t been posted yet.

As I mentioned earlier, I spent Christmas and New Year’s in the countryside where the dogs enjoyed long walks and a garden to frolic in. We were also lucky to get snow on the second day of the new year when I woke up to a winter wonderland outside. I always love the first day of snow and how the world is transformed by white. The temperatures have really dropped by a few degrees though and I’m glad of hot tea, hot baths and scarves to cozy knits to keep warm with. While I don’t mind the cold per se I start freezing easily once temps drop below zero.

akita under christmas tree


black and white basenji mix on frozen lawn


quince in winter



golden candle and christmas ornaments
advent calendar with candles and christmas balls


dufflecoat and basenji mix on a snowy day

#firstsnow #winterwalk



 Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

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  1. Melanie

    Sehr schöne Winterbilder :-*

    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  2. the adventurer

    Happy new year!

    I agree, it’s always so beautiful after the first snow fall =o)

  3. Melina

    Super schönes Outfit ♥ Die Winterbilder sind so schön.
    Liebst, Melina

  4. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Haha – great picks :) . Love your dog -:) . Winter winter go away – come back the other day hahaha . Cheers – Margot

  5. shadownlight

    Danke für die schönen Impressionen!
    Liebe Sonntagsgrüße!

  6. Nadia

    Look at that winter wonderland!! Looks like you had an incredible time, lovely!! Christmas in the countryside sounds and looks amazing :) Plus, dogs make everything better :D
    Happy new year, hon!
    xox Nadia

  7. Priscilla

    Totally agree, lovely pics hun.



  8. Toyas Tales

    I’m glad you had some time for rest and relaxation. Your doggies are so cute with those little adorable faces. I’m just a sucker for dogs they get me every time.

  9. Jacqueline

    Das sind so schöne Bilder!

    Ich hoffe, Du bist gut ins neue Jahr gestartet! ;oD

    Hab einen schönen Tag!

    xoxo Jacqueline
    Mein Blog – HOKIS

  10. Lana_SHON

    Great post! Happy New Year!

  11. Floortje

    Looks like you had a great time!



  12. Mara

    Super schöne Bilder und süße Hunde :)

    xx Mara von

  13. Rena

    Ja, wirklich ein Winterwunderland! Danke für die schönen Bilder <3
    xx Rena

  14. Jana

    Hach, so ein schönes Winterwunderland hätte ich auch gerne. Tolle Bilder :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  15. Sinah Notheisen

    Wundervolle Impressionen Liebes :)
    Ich hoffe du bist gut ins neue Jahr gestartet!
    Und auf das alles was du dir für die Zukunft wünscht,
    in Erfüllung gehen wird.

    Liebste Grüße
    Sinah von

  16. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    Thank you for sharing dear, it’s always a delight to read your blog!!! :)
    “Much love,

    Hadasah Love ||

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