fashion, travel and lifestyle

Favourite Things About Winter

After a little digital detox of a few days’ time I’m finally back with a new post. Today, I’d like to share my favourite things about winter.

1) The Food

I don’t know whether that’s just me but in wintertime, food always holds a special importance – especially all that seasonal food you don’t usually have during the rest of the year. I’m talking gingerbread, cookies with spices and regional German dishes that are just perfect for winter.

2) Hot Drinks

Although I’m a year round tea drinker a hot beverage when you come from the outside in winter is just that bit extra comforting, isn’t it? I don’t drink coffee on a regular basis but I love trying different herbal teas and special blends such as Darjeeling and Assam. When going out I actually have a Latte macchiato now and then to mix things up a bit…

3) Cozy Winter Woolies

Even though I don’t like the extreme cold I absolutely love winter gear like cable sweaters, wool coats and scarves. I actually look forward to getting my winter woolies out of storage every year! I also noticed that I tend to accessorize more in winter – you can always add gloves, a beanie or a scarf to your look which makes winter dressing fun!

4) The Frost

The beauty of untouched snow on the street in the morning is quite breathtaking. I also love how fallen leaves and grass look when they’re all covered in ice crystals. And the light on a freezing, yet sunny winter morning…

5) Less Stress

With less noise on the streets and fewer people outside you sometimes get the feeling that life has slowed down its pace and as a result I tend to feel more relaxed and less stressed during winter days.


Kindness is like snow.
It beautifies everything it covers.
~ Khalil Gibran

Do you like the cold season? What are your favourite things about winter?
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  1. shadownlight

    Hey, da gebe ich dir in allen Punkten absolut Recht!
    Liebe Grüße!

  2. The Fashion Folks

    I love winter too and I definitely agree with the list! There’s something with food and winter (comfort food hello haha) and hot drinks too. Life is just a bit more peaceful and more cozy! Xx

  3. LindaLibraLoca

    Ich bin ein Freund aller Jahreszeiten, und ich mag den Frost im Winter sehr. Auch wenn es morgens auf dem Fahrrad wirklich sehr kalt ist. Schade ist nur, dass hier, wo ich lebe, selten Schnee liegen bleibt.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  4. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Good list – unfortunately in my case winter is more stress – this is is the most intense time at my work :( , but food and hot aromatic tea – YES, YES, YES .
    Cheers Margot

  5. Hadasah Love (Style to Love)

    LOVE :)
    Hadasah |

  6. sonia // daring coco

    Oooh give me winter now! It’s summer where I live and I’m counting down the days till I can rug up and snuggle into my sweaters


  7. Paola Lauretano

    Perfect winter list, I love hot drinks!
    Kisses, Paola.

  8. nathalie

    ein sehr schöner Post :)

    Nathalie von Fashion Passion Love ♥

  9. KizzyDoll

    I’m not a winter person at all, but I like these things. Thanks for your visit! x
    The Dainty Dolls House

  10. HsinWei

    beautiful photos! my favourite thing about winter is the cosy knits and gorgeous outwears! and the skiing trips I haven’t been too. :P


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