fashion, travel and lifestyle

FashionMia Cooperation | Summer Wishlist*

FashionMia china shop white midi dresses

If there’s one seasonal style that never gets old it’s summer whites.

I was lucky to cooperate with FashionMia before and so I was happy to agree to another cooperation. Today’s shopping selection features some classic summer staples.

The first category I’d like to show you are Cheap Maxi Dresses here.

You can choose from a vast amount of styles and patterns. As I personally prefer the more elegant styles I looked for classic summer whites. I was happy to find the two midi dresses you see below which would be a great addition for any classy summer wardrobe or vacation style.



If you’re still looking to find pieces for an island resort or beach vacation you can also find a big selection of Swimwear for women here.

I love that there are quite a few styles with tropical leaf patterns – they always convey an instant holiday feeling, don’t they? On trend details such as tassels and cut-outs are also featured prominently in many of the designs.

FashionMia tropical leaf pattern in greenery onepiece swimsuit FashionMia tropical leaf pattern in greenery onepiece swimsuit


Picture Source: FashionMia

Disclaimer: This post was written in cooperation with FashionMia and I received clothing samples in return.

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  1. Tamara

    Die Bademode ist ja traumhaft schön.
    Wäre perfekt für meinen Sri Lanka Urlaub. :D
    Liebste Grüße Tamara

    • caliope

      Ja, die tropischen Prints gefallen mir auch richtig gut! Sri Lanka klingt ja traumhaft. Liebe Grüße x

  2. Gemma

    Lovely wishlist! Have a great weekend.

    Gemma x

    • caliope

      Thank you dear Gemma! Hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Melina

    Mega schöne Sachen- I like ♥
    Liebst, Melina

    • caliope

      Freut mich sehr, dass sie dir auch gefallen. Hoffe, du hast eine tolle Woche!
      Liebe Grüße x

  4. alina

    Die Bademode ist ja toll. Ich liebe solche Palmenprints :)
    Liebe Grüße,
    alina von

    • caliope

      Ja, so geht es mir auch! Freut mich, dass sie dir auch gefallen.
      Ganz liebe Grüße x

  5. shadownlight

    Die Kleider sind ein Traum!
    Liebe Grüße!

    • caliope

      Vielen Dank, liebe Jenny! x

  6. Rena

    Ich bin total begeistert von der Bademode, was für geniale Muster! Danke fürs Zeigen.
    Liebe Grüße, Rena

    • caliope

      Tropische Muster haben einfach was, oder? Ich finde, sie zaubern immer instantanes Urlaubsfeeling.
      Ganz liebe Grüße x

  7. Cynthia

    OH! I love those palm print suits! I actually have my eye on a few and adore that one piece! Thanks for the great post!

    I hope you have an amazing day girlie!

    IG: @thesirenconfidential

    • caliope

      Glad you enjoyed this post! I can totally relate, I love those tropical prints. x

  8. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    I absolutely adore your outfit!!!
    Much love, Hadasah

    • caliope

      Thanks so much for stopping by! x

  9. Kristine

    love it xx


    • caliope

      Thank you dear x

  10. Anna

    White dresses are wonderful))) Light and romantic)


    Best beautiful dress on our online shop

  12. Djulia

    What interesting swimsuits. I definitely like it!

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