fashion, travel and lifestyle

Back To The 70s

70s Style | Caliope Couture

First and foremost, fashion should be fun. That’s why I’m taking you on a little time travel to the 70s today. You will have noticed that a lot of retro styles have reemerged as current trends. Such as the floppy wool hats which are widely available at the moment and which are perfect for creating a casual look.That one fashion item of that era one mustn’t miss out on at the moment are flared trousers, of course. I have an admission to make: I have actually been a real fan of bootcut or flared jeans all through my teens even though I didn’t grow up in the 70s. I have always liked the flared look as it tends to balance out the silhouette. It’s only in the last few years I have become a fan of skinny trousers as well but I still have this good old flared jeans in my closet.

Flared Jeans | Caliope Couture

Sequins were also quite huge in the 70s so I added a sequined tee with a bright watermelon stitching to add some summer fun to these dreary winter days. Taking a look at H&M’s current collection I was quite amazed at the abundance of sequins here.

70s Style | Caliope Couture

Back To The 70s

70s Style | Caliope Couture

70s Style | Caliope Couture

Suede boots with wedge heels – another relic of the 70s. Indeed, it was very popular in those days and has just had a huge revival too. Suede bags, gloves, boots and even skirts and dresses have made a comeback this year. This Furla bag is a vintage favourite of mine which I found on ebay years ago. It combines pebbled leather with colour blocked suede and dark brown trims. Even the colour combination of camel, orange and brown has a retro vibe to it.

70s Style | Caliope Couture

Suede Bag by Furla | Caliope Couture

What do you think of these 70s styles making a comeback? Do you wear suede, wedges and flared trousers or would you rather not?


70s Style | Caliope Couture  70s Style | Caliope Couture

Outfit Details:

Jeans – Esprit (similarsimilar)

Tee – H&M (similar)

Bag – Furla

Hat – H&M

Shoes – Snapfish (suede boots here)

Trenchcoat – Promod (faux suede one here)

70s Style | Caliope Couture



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  1. Valentina

    Beautiful look. Love the bag.

    Valentina | DAILY SUIT

    • caliope

      Thank you Valentina!

  2. Izabela

    I really like this 70s inspired look. That bag is amazing.

    • caliope

      Thanks so much :)

  3. Natassia Crystal

    Love casual jeans outfits! Regardless of the decade! :P

    Looking very pretty! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

    • caliope

      Thank you very much! :)

  4. Ilyn

    Need that coat. Pretty ensemble:)

    • caliope

      Thank you <3

  5. Elisabeth-Amalie

    Ich werde mit dem Shirt nicht ganz warm aber sonst finde ich dein Outfit super schön. Es gefällt mir echt gut und steht dir ganz wunderbar. :)
    liebst Elisabeth-Amalie

    • caliope

      Dankeschön :) Ja, manchmal mag ich es etwas extravaganter ;)

  6. amely rose

    der look ist so traumhaft schön
    ich mag deinen style so gerne!
    vor allem der hut ist top :)

    alles Liebe deine AMELY ROSE vorbei

    • caliope

      Ganz lieben Dank, Amely Rose! Das freut mich total :)

  7. Alhely

    Your Hat and your shirt are the COOLEST!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!! You look so pretty!

  8. Flora

    I love the jeans on you!

  9. Blue Ducklings

    Nice look :)
    Xx Blue Ducklings

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