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Pantone Color 2016 | Rose Quartz – yay or nay?

Rose Quartz Inspo


As you have probably all noticed by now, pastels are heavily featured in this year’s spring and summer collections (surprisingly enough). I have naturally light skin and dark hair so I personally rather like wearing cool-toned pastels as they tend to bring out my hair nicely. But I know some people feel that pastels are just too girly, cliché or plain boring. 


Rose Quartz – yay or nay?

Pastel shades have always been around for spring I suppose. Light colours seem to carry a sense of renewal but these shades have literally exploded in the stores right now! Undoubtedly, the main reason for this is that the Pantone Institute announced their color of the year 2016 which happen to be Rose Quartz – a light pink and Serenity – a light Blue. You can check out an overview of their colors here. Of course, this is a marketing approach, which I don’t always welcome. In a way, it tries to dictate what we wear but I think one can still take inspiration from it. Last year’s Marsala craze gave me a headache after a while (although I don’t mind the color but it was simply EVERYWHERE)!


Although I’m not one to follow trends blindly I was actually pleased to hear about this year’s color choices as this means there will be more items on the market. Time to stock up on some pieces! I remember there were times when I was actually looking for nice light pink in vain. I like pink, I will admit it openly – always have but even I have made a steep climb from the pink-all-over outfits of my 80’s childhood to the mostly statement pieces or pastel pinks I wear on a regular basis nowadays. With pink, I fully agree, you sometimes have to be careful that it’s not colour overload or drifts off into the realms of tacky or kitschy – except when that’s intended, of course! I go in heavily for fun looks so everything is acceptable, in my eyes. All the same, I think pastels can be styled in all kinds of cool ways to tone them down and make them less prominent in an outfit. And they can be made to suit all skin tones.

Ways To Style Rose Quartz

  • match pastel pinks with bright statement pieces
  • wear a pastel trench for spring
  • combine with metallic details
  • match it with florals, polka dots or lace for an ultra-feminine, vintage look
  • wear a pink oversized piece with your white sneakers for a contemporary take
  • tone it down with grey and simple cuts for a less frilly look
  • play with gender roles and opt for classically masculine cuts and pieces in pastel tones

What do you think about the current pastel colors? Are you in or will you give them a pass?

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  1. Nataly KireiKana

    Love your choice) Pink is so sweet!

    • caliope

      Thank you Nataly! xx

  2. Saskia

    Sehr süß. Ich bin absolut Pro Rosa, was nicht immer so war. Schöner Post! Liebe Grüße Saskia von

    • caliope

      Dankeschön Saskia! Wünsche dir noch ein gutes Rest-Wochenende :)

  3. Jana

    Eigentlich bin ich ja nicht so das Rosa-Mädchen, aber bei Rose Quarz mache ich auch mal eine Ausnahme. In richtiger Kombination kann Rosa richtig toll aussehen :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

    • caliope

      Danke liebe Jana. Ja, da hast du absolut Recht – es kommt immer sehr auf das Styling an! xx

  4. Patricia Sophie

    Ich mag es total, da es ja eher soft und nicht ganz zu kräftig ist. Eben typisch Baby Rosa und Baby Blau. In Kombi mit viel weiß oder schwarz sieht das auch richtig toll aus.

    Bisous aus Berlin, deine Patricia
    THEVOGUEVOYAGE by Patricia Sophie

  5. Miss Annie

    Die Rosatöne gefallen mir sehr gut, wenns ins Pinke geht, wirds mir allerdings etwas zu kitschig ;-)

    Liebe Grüße
    Anika von MISS ANNIE

    P.S. Letzte Chance, >hier< kannst du heute noch ein tolles Beauty-Set mit Gesichtsmasken gewinnen.

  6. Ela

    Für mich ein definitives JA und diese Sneakers sagen immer so ganz laut “kauf mich”. Ich weiß nicht wie lang ich noch widerstehen kann!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag, Ela

  7. Gabrielle

    I’m all for this gorgeous candy pink shade – it’s such a bold colour! I have a lot of love for the pink cardigan, though all of your selections are very pretty.

  8. Nasti

    Ich liebe Rose Quartz! Vor allem auf den Nägeln oder als Armbanduhr :-)
    Liebe Grüße, Nasti

  9. Beauty Unearthly

    Great items Really interesting post…thx for sharing! xx

  10. Rena

    For me it depends – but normally I love more the more saturated colours. Nevertheless I couldn’t resist buying the Adidas sneakers you show here :) Love the inspiration!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  11. Rachel

    This is such a pretty shade and I love all the items you picked out! I need those sneakers in my life! xo

  12. Stephanie

    Oh my gosh, that bag is just divine. I have to add it to my wish list ASAP!

  13. Lili

    I love Rose Quartz since pink is my favourite colour though I sometimes tend to go over board with it. I love these styling suggestions. Especially the idea of matching it with florals or polka dots.

  14. Viktoria

    I don’t really like pink colour, but this kinf of this colour is warm, girly and I want to wear clothes and accessories, which you show on your post. :)

    Grettings from Poland,

  15. amely rose

    ich liebe die Farben dieses jahr so sehr
    top :)
    die Tasche ist ein traum

    alles Liebe deine AMELY ROSE vorbei

  16. Rachel

    Beautiful pieces! love the dress!

  17. KizzyDoll

    I love the colour, but I couldn’t see myself wearing it from head to toe. I think it’s a great colour to mix with another colour. I love the shoes, those are so pretty, the metallic look makes the rose colour more edgy rather than just sweet like. Super choices. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I hope you come again soon. You have a great blog. Have a great Easter. Kizzy x The Dainty Dolls House

  18. Paola Lauretano

    Oh yes!!!! I love this shade of pink!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  19. Idu

    I love pastels. They give one that clean and fresh appearance. lovely picks.

  20. Adela Acanski

    Amazing selection!

    kisses Adela Acanski

  21. Paola Lauretano

    Happy Friday bambola!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  22. Sarah


    Amazing selection ! :D


  23. Julia

    Also mir hat es der Nagellack ganz besonders angetan! Ich stehe sowieso auf metallische Lacke und dann auch noch in rose – toll!
    Liebe grüße

  24. Nadine

    Helpfull post! I love these shades of pastel very much, I really have to buy more clothes like this :)
    I don’t like the superstars with the metallic front, but this bag is amazing!!

    Love, Nadine

  25. Adela Acanski

    Nice selection!

    kisses Adela Acanski

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