fashion, travel and lifestyle

5 Tips for Transitioning into Spring

raindrops on pastel pink tulip petals

Today is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox 2016 and here in Berlin we have been blessed with rain at 7°C. All the more reason to go about making spring a priority in your closet!Although I look forward to the milder weather I usually need a bit of prompting after winter to get into a spring state of mind.

1) Get Out Your Sunnies

Nothing says spring so much as sunshine and more light hours after the winter. Wearing your sunglasses can actually put you in a better mood! It does work for me, at least, as I usually give them a break during winter.

2) Light-weight Jackets

Our extra warm wool coats can finally wander back into storage and are replaced by lighter to medium-weight choices of outerwear. Trenchcoats, leather and bomber jackets come to mind and are an excellent way to wean you off those winter coats!

3) Layering

For those extra windy days you can layer with scarves, sweaters or long vests.

4) Bright Accessories

Sometimes a pop of colour can work wonders in creating a visual focal point and giving your outfit that light spring vibe.

5) Florals

Surround yourself with flowers or pick fun floral accessories like pins or a flower crown to brighten up an outfit!

pink flower crown on red succulents

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  1. Sara Q.

    Loved your amazing tips! My sunnies are already coming with me everywhere I go <3

    Followed you on instagram :)

    Instagram: @sarafqueiros

  2. Amber Shannon

    All very good ideas!

    All the Cute

  3. Melanie

    Die Blumenbilder gefallen mir sehr gut! :-*

    ganz liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  4. Laura Mitbrodt

    These are some great tips, I love Spring

  5. Beauty Unearthly

    Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  6. Thao

    I love your ideas :)

    LootieLoo’s plastic world

  7. Gemma

    Great tips for spring. I love florals and sunglasses so spring is definitely my season! Gemma x

  8. Adele Miner

    Love this post, thanks for sharing! I think your blog is lovely, let me know if you would like to follow each other!

  9. Lili

    These are great tips! I love the idea of surrounding yourself with flowers and adding floral accessories. That floral crown is beautiful!

  10. Mica

    Great tips! I hope it continues to warm up for you, 7 degrees sounds so cold to me, being Australian!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  11. Harija

    Love your post!!

    I am glad you enjoyed reading my Toronto Fashion Week posts but I am officially back to my regular content posts.

    Thanks for the support and thoughtful words on my recent post, I deeply appreciate it!!


  12. Jill

    Sunnies and layering are a must for springlike weather! Thanks for sharing your tips!

    Doused In Pink

  13. Jalisa

    Spring is one of my favorite seasons, I feel as though it’s the official start of the new year because it’s when everything comes alive again, a very inspiring time! I love and nod to all the tips you’ve shared here, especially the bright accessories, to me, the brighter, the better :) I hope you’re having a lovely start to your day so far and thank so much for sharing!



  14. Izabela

    Great tips for spring! I have already buried my heavy winter jackets and boots at the back of my wardrobe and can’t wait to wear florals.

  15. Anouk

    Yes, I can’t wait to wear my sunnies more often again. I might even get a new pair soon.


  16. Neri

    Die Blumen sehen toll aus! Das liebe ich am Frühling.

    Danke für deine Worte auf meinem Blog!


  17. Carrie

    wow great post

  18. Jana

    Meine Sonnenbrillen habe ich schon rausgeholt, zumindest für Fotos. Für leichte Jacken war es hier bisher leider immer noch etwas zu kalt, aber das soll sich die Tage zum Glück endlich ändern. Ich kann es kaum erwarten! :)

    Ich wünsche dir schöne und erholsame Ostertage!

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  19. Adaleta

    Florals are my favorite, I absolutely love it and I’m definitely easing back into it! xx

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