fashion, travel and lifestyle

Outfit Recap April 2016

April 2016 Outfit recap

Better late than never…April turned out to be a very busy month for me. That’s why I didn’t have as many outfits to show you as usual.  Although I still have several shoots ready in the pipeline I simply haven’t had the time for picture post production and writing the actual posts. Juggling a 9 to 5 job and caring for two dogs sometimes has a way of sapping all your energy.

There were days when I needed sleep so badly that I just couldn’t manage to stay up for even an hour more to do some blog work. And I love doing blog work…but sometimes sleep is simply the better option after a long day.

My four(!) April outfits were heavy on high heels which is unusual for me as I love comfortable shoes in my everyday workwear. I feel however, that sometimes heels add that little bit of edge to an outfit which flats can’t always muster. And somehow, last month I needed that extra bit of glam to feel motivated. The weather was typically unsteady and so was my overall mood.

On a positive note, April saw a collaboration with Fraas which I particularly enjoyed as I love their products. I also published a few more beauty posts than usual. I came to realize lately that I have so many beauty products at home that it wouldn’t hurt if I reviewed a few more of them. I actually like these reviews myself to keep track of what I’ve tried out, what I like and what didn’t work for me.

So how did you like my April outfits? Do you have a favourite?

Dalmatian Print Shirt Dress II

Vero Moda blue floral dress

Barbour Nutwell tweed blazer

Fraas laser cut poncho

To revisit last month’s looks: Dalmatian print dress here, Blue Flower dress here, Duck blouse with teal pants and Barbour blazer here, Lasercut poncho and off-the-shoulder top here

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

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  1. Izabela

    Gorgeous outfits. I adore your blanket wrap. It’s so pretty.

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Izabela

  2. Merima Kopic

    So gorgeous outfits.
    Great work.

  3. Perkymegs

    Love all the dresses specially the white polka dot one. You are so pretty :)

  4. sophie

    Lovely outfits.Nice recap there.

  5. Amy Arnold

    Great looks! Loving both of those dresses!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. Missy May

    You sure killed it in April. Great outfits throughout and so beautiful. :)

  7. Lili

    Beautiful outfits! I love that dalmation print dress!

  8. Monika

    Sleep is definitely the better option sometimes. When you need your rest that always comes first. I love your first dress – the print is great!


  9. idu

    I love all your April outfits. The first two are my favorites though, so fab!

  10. Cassandra

    cute & casual outfits! the dalmation dress is my favourite! :) x

  11. Diana

    all lovely outfits

  12. Face to Curls

    Gorgeous outfits! You were very stylish in April. My fave is the 2nd one.

  13. Nilu Yuleena Thapa

    Love your looks but the one with the poncho is amazing!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  14. Blue Ducklings

    Some amazing outfit from April. I’m a fan of the first outfit :D
    Xx |Blue Ducklings |Follow on Bloglovin’|

  15. Konstantina Antoniadou

    that dress looks so pretty

  16. Jana

    Schöne Looks, die haben mir alle richtig gut gefallen :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  17. Alina Kristi

    I love all the outfits ! They look great on you :))

    xx Alina

  18. Nadia

    Rocking those heels in each outfit & I truly admire you for that, girl. I do try to dress up as well but sometimes after a long day of being on my feet (literally) all I want is my good ol’ running shoes :)
    As for the outfits, they are gorgeous. So sophisticated!
    Just came across your blog over at Gemma’s. Will follow right away :)
    xox Nadia

  19. Joanna

    Deine Outfits sind so schön, da kann man sich echt schwer für ein entscheiden! Echt! Alles ist absolut super :)

  20. Paola Lauretano

    Always super stylish, cool recap!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  21. Paola Lauretano

    Have a nice day beauty!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  22. Jerry

    Outstanding recap… Looking forward to the future!

  23. amely rose

    what a lovely post my dear
    your style is so amazing and inspiring
    simply love it!
    lovely :)
    with love your AMELY ROSE

  24. Natassia Crystal

    Not gonna lie.. as a heels fan myself.. I loved your April posts! :D

    Looking gorgeous regardless though! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  25. Maria

    sehr schöne Outfits! Der Schlapphut steht dir so gut :)

  26. Eric

    Schöne Outfits und toller Blog!


  27. -I-K-S-

    Very inspiring!creatively ❤️

  28. Ela

    Mir gefallen alle sehr. Aber mein Favorit ist eindeutig der Look mit dem Hut. Einfach klasse.
    Liebe Grüße Ela

  29. Caro*

    Gorgeous styles ! You are very elegant. Last outfit is perfect :)

    • caliope

      Oh, thank you so much for your nice words! I’m really glad you like it. x

  30. Nadine

    Ganz tolle Outfits, die mir alle sehr gut gefallen, liebe Christina! Einen besonderen Favoriten darf ich trotzdem nennen: Das zweite Kleid – weiß mit blauen Blümchen – ist ein absoluter Traum! Elegant, feminin und Chic … Du sieht einfach hinreissend aus!

    Liebe Grüße,

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Nadine! Freut mich, dass dir die Outfits gefallen. Das weiß-blaue Kleid ist auch eins meiner Favoriten :)

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