fashion, travel and lifestyle

Tropical Islands

unsplash palmtrees and beach

This is a more personal post from me today as I’m finally going to go for a long-needed little break. I’d also like to share my travel destination with you all!

Our plane will depart Frankfurt airport tonight for Singapore! After that we’re going take a bus through Malaysia to a small coastal town and then catch a ferry to Tioman Island.

It will be a long trip…and we’ll probably be super jetlagged after the 12h flight but I’m super excited and looking forward to touching down in Asia once more.

I have been extremely hyped for a few weeks now and have tried to plan everything ahead as well as I could. But I’m also really exhausted and so in need of a break. The past few months have been trying and have taken their toll on me! I have been very busy and didn’t get enough relaxation. I almost feel a bit burned out so an island getaway is probably exactly what I need right now.

We will stay on Tioman in a little boutique resort for 10 days. Hopefully all I have to do there is go for a swim now and then and take photos of cute water monitors. But we’ll probably go on a hike or two as well. As you may know, I’m all in for nature so I hope to get a full dose of that. We’re even going to have a tree in our chalet! Isn’t that nice?

Once I’m back I will tell you all about where we stayed of course.

I hope you understand that I won’t be able to comment or visit your blogs for a while! I will miss reading all your fantastic blogs every day. Although there is supposed to be Wifi – by all accounts it will probably be super slow. So I wouldn’t count on me getting anything done. I have a few posts scheduled for the next weeks but it will be a bit quieter around here. If you follow me on Instagram you may be able to see some photos of our trip now and then though!

So, I hope you have a fabulous two weeks ahead and I will read you all again soon!!

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  1. LindaLibraLoca

    Viel Spaß auf Deinem Trip. Es hört sich auf jeden Fall schon mal super an.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  2. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Happy holidays :) :) Margot :)

  3. shadownlight

    wow ich wünsche dir ganz viel erholung und spass und viele eindrücke!
    liebe grüße!

  4. Paulina

    Enjoy every minute of your wonderful journey ♥

  5. The Fashion Folks

    Have a lovely trip, take lots of photos and enjoy some relaxing time off!! Xx

  6. Miss Classy

    Wow! Hört sich nach einer spannenden Reise an. Ich wünsch dir ganz viel Spaß auf deinem Trip.
    LG Doris

  7. Lara

    Viel Spass und eine grossartige Zeit wünsche ich dir!

    Liebe Grüße aus Hong Kong, Lara THE DAINTY THINGS

  8. Martina

    Cool post

  9. Leni

    Das klingt herrlich! *-* Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß und eine gute Reise!
    Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg, Leni

  10. Shireen L. Platt

    I can’t believe you’re visiting Malaysia, I hope you have a brilliant time in my home country and Tioman Island is beautiful! Make sure to let me know how your vacation goes when you’re back. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. Floortje

    Ohh Yes please!



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