The second month of my shopping ban is officially over and I’m well into the third month. Time just flies! So high time to give you an update on how I have been doing.
Category: Lifestyle (Page 3 of 5)
Yesterday afternoon was the autumnal equinox which marks the astronomical beginning of autumn. In Berlin this was exactly at 16:21 CEST. Time to reflect on some of the best this season has to offer. Continue reading
Although a bit later than usual, I still have some August favourites to share with you. Last month turned out to be a bit busier than intended…

What is she doing?
Another month is almost over so here’s a little life roundup – you may recognize some of these pictures from my instagram feed (@caliopecouture), others I haven’t posted yet. Summer was very much in evidence in Berlin this month which resulted in me having more than my usual share of migraine and fatigue.
Photos sind etwas sehr Persönliches und wenn man sein Zuhause individuell gestalten möchte, finde ich eigene Photos an den Wänden immernoch eine der schönsten Möglichkeiten.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! It’s already the last day of July so today, I have some favourites of the month for you. In the collage you can see my latest app addiction, new succulents for my desk, my never-ending love of fresh pineapple and my akita boy at work with me (who celebrated his one-year anniversary with us this month).
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The time has come…I’m doing a No Shopping Challenge, starting now. I’m finally trying to curb my spending habits with this long-awaited Shopping Ban.
#rpTEN: entrance hall
The first half of the year is almost over – time for a little lifestyle roundup of the last two months or so. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen one or the other of these pictures already. But it’s always nice to look back at some of the highlights of the last weeks in pictures.
Happy Mother’s Day! Let’s take a moment to think of all the mothers in our world and let’s remember they come in all shapes and sizes regardless of species.
Today the world is commemorating the 400th year since Shakespeare’s death. So I’m taking this truly unique opportunity to celebrate his lasting legacy by letting you guys in on a few secrets facts about me.