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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Green for St. Patrick's Day

Since I have a family connection to Ireland this has always been a special holiday for me – I loved it as a child! I also have fond memories of being served pikelets with green food colouring while living in the school hostel back in New Zealand.

Today is all about being ‘green’ so I thought I’d share some of my green looks from the blog. I used to not like wearing green much as I thought the colour didn’t really suit me. I have started rethinking this lately though and a few green items have actually made it into my wardrobe…Looking at these pictures of the banana leaf print makes me long for summer.

P1230689 Stripes from December 2015 here

Jade green owl dressP1230348 23Green Owl Dress from December 2015 here

Banana Leaf green and white dressBanana leaf dresswhite and green banana leaf dress in urban gardenUrban Resort from August 2015 here

Are you doing anything special for St. Patrick’s Day? Baking Irish soda bread or having a Guinness? No matter, it’s the weekend soon…

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    Beautiful images! You look so pretty and happy here girl! :)
    LOVE your silver shoes!

    Photography & Fashion Blog


  2. Gemma

    Love all of the outfits, as always you look lovely! Happy St Patricks Day!

    Gemma x

  3. Valerie Price

    These are all such beautiful looks! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  4. Miriam

    such an amazing post and pictures

    best, Miri

  5. Kashmir & Silk

    Green really suits you !! Hope you had a great St. Patrick’s Day !! :) xx

  6. Zorica Miteva

    Love the outfits
    Great post

  7. Christina

    Wunderschöner Look! Passt wirklich sehr gut zu deiner Haarfarbe :)

    Christina ♥

  8. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day :) You look great in green :) Have a nice weekend Margot

  9. Lili

    I think green looks beautiful on you! That banana leaf print dress is gorgeous. And to celebrate I love making corned beef and cabbage. I hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!

  10. ivana split

    I love all of your green outfits. I’m very fond of green. I think this colour didn’t reach its full potention in fashion industry yet, but I’m sure that is going to change.

    you look dreamy!!!!!!!!

    I celebrated st. patrick’s day by baking a lot of cakes. I also made a few illustrations, but I wasn’t happy with them so I didn’t publish them.

  11. Ana Negrão

    Great looks!!!
    You are so beautiful
    Have a nice week
    Ana Negrão Makeup

  12. Martina

    Beautiful green Looks :) Love the Dress :)

    kiss Martina

  13. Ania

    Wow! you look so cute <333
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  14. shia

    Ohhh der erste Look gefällt mir am besten! Super schön <3

  15. Natalie

    I think you look so beautiful in green! I didn’t do anything for St Patricks day, I pretty much forgot it was SPD until I saw a post on instagram late in the afternoon! Whoops! My heritage is English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh, but I’ve never celebrated SPD.

  16. Ela

    Ich muss ja gestehen, ich hab es dieses Jahr total verpasst, dass St Patrick war. Normal muss ich da mindestens grünes Bier trinken ;-) Du siehst toll aus in grün, ich glaube ich hab höchstens ein TShirt in einer ganz hinteren Ecke in dieser Farbe.
    Sei lieb gegrüßt ela

  17. Paola Lauretano

    I love them all, green is a great color and suit well you!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  18. Rshan Phonsi

    Green looks so beautifull one you.
    I love the handbag… :-)

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