fashion, travel and lifestyle

5 Reasons You Need a Trenchcoat

Vintage Trenchcoat Outfit

Trenchcoats are one of fashion’s most enduring symbols of elegance and style – they demand attention yet they are incredibly adaptable and perfect for the transitional months.

1 Timeless Classic

The trench looks back on quite a colourful history and yet it has never completely gone out of style. Think about the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s where the lead characters Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak finally kiss in the rain. In trenchcoats. It’s one of those wardrobe staples every woman should own. You can more or less wear it all year round (depending a bit on how cold your winters get). They are truly perfect for the transitional period though.

Throughout the decades the trench has never been out of fashion.

Transitional seasons like fall and spring are the best time to wear a trench coat. Trench coats are traditionally made of gabardine, heavy canvas or cotton, but newer versions are also made of synthetic fibers or fine fabric such as satin. The traditional color of a trench coat was khaki, although newer versions come in many colours and modern designs.

Is there anything more gorgeous, chic and demure than a trench coat worn with red lipstick, a trusty LBD, pumps, and a simple bun or ponytail? This look is perfect for dates, dinners, work, or even just adding a bit of mystique to mundane tasks.


2 Highly Adaptable

To almost any occasion. A khaki trench coat is appropriate regardless of the time of day, but for the evening you can also get more glamorous options these days. Choose a coat made from  satin, a statement colour or with a subtle metallic finish. Evening trenches may also up their inherent drama by including dramatic folds, beaded trims and statement buttons.

Trench coats are suited to many weather conditions and while they can repel raindrops when treated with a textile impregnation spray, you might think they do little to keep out a heavy winter chill. Not quite though – if your trench has a classic straight cut (not too fitted) you may be able to wear a woolen sweater underneath and thus the heavier trench versions are wearable well into November in Western European climates.

While the traditional trench was a relatively long and bulky affair modern versions exist that are almost as short as a jacket but still retain all the characteristics of the classic trench. Opt for a light colour and fabric and  your trench coat is a great option for an early summer morning chill.


3 Perfect for Travel

When I travel the trenchcoat is one of my most often packed coats …why? Because they are not as heavy as a wool coat and thus don’t take up essential bag space and don’t add to luggage weight much. But they also adapt to virtually any kind of weather (see #2). And although the classic gabardine trench coat is quite a heavy affair, there are always variations out there which are light enough to travel with. On cold days they can be worn with a heavier wool sweater underneath and layered with a scarf or foulard. Plus, when you’re spending a holiday full of once-in-a-lifetime moments you will want to look good in your photos and a trench is a surefire way to look polished and sophisticated.

Trenchcoat Glasnevin Cemetary Dublin


4 Flattering to the Figure

Worn belted a trenchcoat defines your waist which is flattering to almost any body shape. Even males are given the illusion of a waist when wearing a trench. The silhouette of a trench also has a way of adding drama and flair which draws the eye and emphasizes the silhouette as a whole rather than details you’d prefer not to highlight.

If you are still trying to lose those few extra winter pounds on your hips or thighs a trenchcoat will cover up any problem areas easily. A slightly longer cut can look extra flattering if you don’t feel like wearing a short jacket just yet. Wearing it open and loose can also hide problem areas and make them virtually nonexistent to an onlooker’s eye. So really, with a trench, any vanity-related concerns are taken care of.

Trenchcoat with Yellow and Green Dublin Doors


5 Instant Style

If you’re into vintage or classic styles then this type of coat is certainly for you as trenchcoats have a way of adding instant elegance. You throw them on over virtually anything and look sorta dressed. Of course, the overall vibe will be different depending on whether you choose to wear patent leather heels or white trainers but the statement is still there. It truly is an everything coat. There almost isn’t an outfit worth wearing that you can’t throw a trench over and look good. Sunglasses always up the drama factor and trench coats even give jeans and sneakers an elegant edge.

Toss on a trench coat whenever you feel like adding a dose of mystery to your everyday style.


Shopping Inspiration

These are some high-end trenchcoats in the upper row and some
good-quality highstreet versions below.
I have also found some modern variations on the classic trench:
isn’t the ombrè one in the middle adorable?
High End Trenchcoats
Novelty Trenchcoats II
Do you like wearing trenchcoats? How many do you own?
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  1. Rachel

    Great post! beautiful trench coat!

  2. Melanie

    Ich habe einen beigen Trench und liebe ihn! In beige ist er einfach ein Klassiker :-*

    Melanie /

  3. Denise

    You are so right, a trench coat is so good for saving bag space, something we can do, granting that the weather is Ok for that (I couldn’t in March, it was minus 4 C). And it’s so flattering to the figure! You look so beautiful, I liked your photos!

  4. Paola Lauretano

    A spring maust-have! Perfect look doll!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  5. Cindy

    I just bought my first trench coat! I’ve been wanting one for ages but never found one that fit me. Until I was browsing ASOS’s website and they have them in Petite sizing! I love how you styled your coat in so many ways. Inspiration for the future, since I’ve only had the chance to wear mine once so far.

  6. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    ich finde auch, dass ein Trenchcoat unerlässlich ist :-)
    Dein Trenchcoat hat eine tolle Farbe und von deiner Auswahl gefällt mir der von Lanvin am besten. Obwohl Burberry natürlich auch so viele wundervolle Trenchcoats hat :-)
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen wundervollen Sonntag und sende dir liebe Grüße

  7. Rizuna S.

    Trenchcoat is indeed one of those timeless outfit <3

    Take care,
    Rizuna from 100% Nerd

    PS: don’t forget to check this out >> Na-Ra Hayley

  8. Anita

    Amazing post, I really like your style. :)

    If you want follow me on my g+ and Bloglovin, and I will followed you back!

  9. Gil Zetbase

    Beautiful selection!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  10. Adrika

    I love trench coat :)

    please follow my blog : YOUNG BLOG

  11. cat eyes & skinny jeans

    YES to all of these reasons – I could not agree more! You look fab in your trench!


  12. Dascha

    You’re so right! Love the trench coat.


  13. Alecz

    I love a good trench coat! This one is lovely. Such a classic colour!

  14. Alissa

    Ahh was für ein schöner Post! Ich bin eine der größten Trenchcoat Liebhaberinnen auf diesem Planeten <3 deshalb danke für die Inspiration!! :)
    Küsschen :*

  15. Melange-Boutique Blog

    Is really useful love it so much in your ocmbinations

    Melange-Boutique Blog || Instgram

  16. Kristina

    Was für ein süßer Look. Der Trendcoach steht dir wirklich gut.

    PS: Momentan gibt es auf meinem Blog drei personalisierte Handyhüllen zu gewinnen.

    Liebe Grüße Kristina von KDSecret

  17. Julia

    Ich bin noch auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Trenchcoat. Aber der weiße, den du in deiner Auswahl mit dabei hast, der gefällt mir so richtig!
    Liebe Grüß

  18. Melisa

    totally agree with you on trench coats, they’re too beautiful not to have one! lovely post dear x

  19. Keen On Beauty

    such an informative post! I have a black trench coat, but sadly, I rarely wear it, maybe it’s not my style any more. However, I like how it looks on others, it’s so elegant and chic :)

  20. Ramona

    Love how your trench does look on you, as you said very flattering! And you nearly convinced me of buying one but I doubt I would be wearing it a lot… I don’t think it would work with the clothes I usually wear but hey, I can still browse the ones they have in stores instead of ignoring them, maybe there is one for me as well?

  21. Gemma

    Love trench coats, I agree with your reasons to own one. I would dream of having a Burberry one day. Gemma x

    • caliope

      Yes, I feel the same way about Burberry! They’re just a bit too pricey for me. x

  22. Lili

    Trench coats are definitely a staple classic. I love all your outfits with the trench, especially the last one with the dot stockings. That is such a beautiful look!

  23. Jill

    You’re so right! I need a good trench coat! Love all of this inspiration!

    Doused In Pink

  24. Floortje

    You’re so right! We all need this classic item



  25. Jana

    Einen Trenchcoat sollte wirklich jede Frau im Schrank haben. Die kommen einfach nie aus der Mode und passen zu fast jedem Outfit :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  26. joma

    Lovely blogpost and couldn’t agree more on the point you made!
    For those interested in a Burberry trench coat, but don’t like to spend $1000+, it might be worth to check out our site with vintage Burberry trench coats ranging between $170 and $300.

  27. Nati

    I love trench coats, that’s why I have so many of them ☺
    Nati xx

  28. Joanna

    Das ist ein Kleidungsstück das wirklich jeder haben sollte. Ich liebe Trenchcoats! :)
    Du siehst super aus! :) Liebe Grüße, Joanna

  29. Isidora

    Great vintage outfit. :)
    EOS giveaway international is on my blog

  30. Catherine

    Sooo chic ! It’s a must-have, great with every outfit, I love it ♡

  31. ivana split

    I don’t have a trench!!! I totally need to get one. Now that I have read your post, I’m totally sure of it.

    Gorgeous selection of photos and great tips.

  32. Lisa

    Ich bewundere Trench coats auch immer! Aber mir stehen sie leider gar nicht..
    Liebe Grüße Lisa♥

  33. Nadine

    Gebe Dir völlig recht, leieb Christina, der Trenchcoat gehört auch zu meinen Lieblingsstücken. Lässt sich auch wunderbar mit Röcken und Kleidern kombinieren ;-) Dein Trench ist super, er passt Dir ganz hervorragend!

    Alles Liebe,

  34. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    Trench coat – I suppose we have all shown it in our blogs this spring … hahaha … and yet, it always looks different. Great idea to wear it with a hat. Cheers Margot

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