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Edible Flowers and a Coconut Cake Recipe

coconut cake with nasturtiums

As I’m celebrating my birthday today I wanted to share a yummy recipe with you. This one is for a cake full of summery coconut flavour with just a hint of lemon.

I usually make my own birthday cake each year and last year this was the one I had. The recipe is from Joyofbaking which is a wonderful site with lots of wonderful recipes. You can find the original recipe here.

This stacked cake consists of layers of buttermilk cake with lemon curd in between and a seven minute frosting to top it all off.

Buttermilk Cake:

325 g flour

225 g butter

350 g sugar

4 eggs

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

240 ml buttermilk

Lemon Curd:

3 eggs

80 ml lemon juice

1 tbs grated lemon zest (or a lemon flavouring of your choice)

150 g sugar

55 g (4 tbs) butter


3 large eggwhites (room temp)

300 g sugar

60 ml cold water

1 tbs light syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or flavouring of your choice)


150 g shredded coconut


This is the metric version as that’s what I usually use but if you’re looking for cup measurements please check out the original recipe. You will need two round baking pans (about 23 x 5 cm).

coconut cake with nasturtiums

edible nasturtium flowers and lemon balm as decoration

Cake Batter:

Mix all the dry ingredients(flour mix) in a large bowl. Beat butter and sugar until soft and fluffy. Then add the eggs, one at a time, until well combined. Alternately add the flour mix and buttermilk to the egg mixture. Then divide batter evenly between the two prepared pans.

Bake for about 27-30 mins (depending on your oven and your choice of baking dish) at 180°C.

Let cool completely before filling and frosting.

Lemon Curd:

In the recipe on JoyofBaking you will find instructions to make your own lemon curd. But you could always just buy a jar of ready-made lemon curd, which is what I did to save some time.


This frosting is actually super yummy (if you like sweet, then this is for you).  Put all the ingredients into a stainless steel bowl and beat the ingredients until well combined. Then place the bowl over a small saucepan with simmering water. Continue beating the mixture with a handheld mixer on medium speed (about 3 min). Continue on high until the frosting forms small peaks (about 3-4 mins). Remove from heat and add the vanilla extract. Beat another 2 mins until the frosting has the desired consistency. Let cool to room temperature and use immediately.

Assemble the cake by cutting each of the two layers in half and then spreading some lemon curd on each half. You can also sprinkle each layer with a bit of shredded coconut. When you’ve finished stacking the layers, frost the cake with the 7 minute frosting and garnish with shredded coconut.

Recipe Source: Joyofbaking here

Decorating with edible Flowers

I decided to decorate this cake with edible nasturtium flowers(Tropaeolum majus) and lemon balm(Melissa officinalis) from my little urban balcony/garden. The upside of having a birthday in early September is the abundance of fresh flowers and herbs from the garden. I love the idea of edible decorations so nasturtiums and Calendula are staples I grow every year. Lemon balm is another all-time favourite of mine that goes wonderfully with anything fresh and lemony. Plus, the plants are really hardy and perennial.


Do you ever decorate with edible flowers? I hope you’re all having a great week so far!

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  1. Jana

    Der Kuchen ist ja alleine schon optisch ein richtiger Hingucker und hört sich super lecker an :)

    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,
    Jana von

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Jana :) Das wünsche ich dir auch!

  2. Genevieve

    Das sieht ja super lecker aus :)

    Liebste Grüße aus Münster,
    Genevieve //

  3. Paola Lauretano

    Uhhhhmmmm…. may I have a slice?!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  4. Sophie

    Such a beautiful cake. Looks yummy. I should try the recipe.

  5. shadownlight

    hey, oh wie lecker, ich liebe cononut! das wäre perfekt für mich!
    ich wünsche dir ein schönes wochenende!

  6. Lindsey of The Nomis Niche

    Looks delicious!

    Love, Lindsey

  7. Cielo

    MMMmm!!! Looks so Yummy!!! =) Great job! =)

    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  8. Uzo O

    If only i could grab this from my screen , i’m practically drooling over this cake , will have to get my ingredients ready to try this at home. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hope you have a great weekend.

  9. Tamara

    What a cute cake! Happy birthday!


    Tamara –

    • caliope

      Thank you soo much! Have a great weekend, Tamara x

  10. Kathrine Eldridge

    This cake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing and have a terrific weekend!

    • caliope

      Thank you very much Kathrine! Have a lovely weekend x

  11. Amy

    Happy birthday! This cake looks amazing.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Amy Ann! It was very yummy. x

  12. nancy.

    Happy birthday!!! :-) :-) :-)

  13. georgia

    Happy Birthday!

    I think that it’s such a lovely idea to make your own birthday cake – why not!
    This looks so yummy, and I might have to try it myself :)

    Georgia –

  14. Missy May

    Happy birthday to you, beautiful. That cake looks delish and yummy.

  15. Hadasah Love | Style To Love

    How awesome! I’m loving the pics!
    xoxo, Hadasah

  16. chiara

    such a lovely cake!!! <3

  17. sophia

    Happy b-day …this cake looks very good as well as nice!!!P.S. I was born the 8th of September too (1988) ^^

  18. Nancy

    Happy Birthday!

  19. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) Margot :)

  20. Lola

    looks great!

    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

  21. Nada

    looks great :)


  22. ivana split

    such a great idea to decorate a cake with edible flowers. I only used rose pedals to decorate so far, but I would like to try decorating with other flowers as well. I just need to do a bit of research first, so I’m sure which flowers are edible and which aren’t.

    Your cake looks fantastic! I’m sure it tastes yummy as well. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I might try baking it some day. I will let you know if I do. In the meantime, I plan to try to bake a cake with peaches….maybe tomorrow:)

  23. Rena

    It looks extremely yummy and now I want to try immediately a piece :)
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  24. Mica

    Happy birthday! Your cake looks delicious, the edible flowers are a great decoration :)

    Away From The Blue Blog


    Meine Güte, der klingt ja wahnsinnig lecker! :)
    Vielen Dank für das Rezept.


  26. Luxe Toutou

    So beautiful !
    Kiss, Lise

  27. Saba

    Happy belated Birthday Christina! May all your dreams come true! That cake looks absolutely delicious ! I really like the idea of using fresh, edible flowers to decorate the cake. It’s something I haven’t tried before, but a lovely way of making use of the flowers you have in season.

    I hope you a had a lovely birthday and celebrated in style!

    Saba xx

  28. Sakuranko

    My best wishes darling
    The cake look super yummy *w*

  29. Traude "Rostrose"

    Oh, ich bin ein bisserl spät dran mit meinen Geburtstagswünschen, liebe Christina, aber sie kommen von Herzen! <3 Deine Torte sieht wundervoll aus – und hat vermutlich auch so geschmeckt. Ich liebe jedenfalls Kokos in allen Variationen, also hätt' ich dein Prachtstück garantiert gemocht! Und die essbare Blütendeko macht sich wunderhübsch dazu!
    Allerliebste Rostrosengrüße von der Traude

  30. ISA Professional

    This recipe looks so delicious, we love coconut and adding some to a cake sounds like a great idea! Will have to give this a try soon!

    ISA Professional

  31. Marlene

    Der Kuchen sieht wirklich toll aus!
    Liebe Grüße,
    Marlene von

  32. Paola Lauretano

    Great job, looks delicious!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  33. Patty

    Wow das sieht ja wirklich super lecker aus. Ich liebe Kokosnuss !

    Liebe Grüße :)
    Measlychocolate by Patty

  34. paapatya

    Toller Kuchen! Ich liebe Kokusnuss :)
    Auf meinem Blog gibt es ein DIY Schmuck Bastelset zu gewinnen :)
    Vllt. hast du Lust dran teilzunehmen.

    Liebste Grüße | paapatya |

  35. cat eyes & skinny jeans

    Those edible flowers are so awesome!


  36. Ela

    Ich hätte bitte gern ein riesiges Stück oder bitte auch gern zwei!
    Wie lecker :)
    Liebe Grüße Ela

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