fashion, travel and lifestyle

Shorts in Autumn

Last of Fall

This is one of the last fall outfits that feature the glorious covering of leaves found in the streets of Berlin over the last few weeks.

This outfit consists of yellow twill shorts by H&M with black accessories and a nude handknit top. When wearing shorts over tights first became a winter trend a few years ago I was actually not a fan. For some reason I didn’t like the look of it at all and refused to wear any combination of it. Don’t get me wrong – I love trying out different things and new looks but somehow it seemed wrong to me…Over the years however, my views have changed and I have actually started experimenting with shorts this year. Surprisingly, I have to say I quite like wearing them with tights nowadays. Some of it may be due to my newfound love of cycling to work which makes skirts not always a practical choice. Shorts are actually a good alternative which allow you to wear all kinds of tights without having  to deal with the impracticality of keeping your skirt from blowing upwards.

Yellow shorts by H&M

Drops Design cable top pattern

These shorts are made from cotton twill and have a nice mustard colour that matches the leaves. So, of course, I had to pick one of the spots in the neighbouring backstreets where the leaf density was particularly high. I also like how the cable pattern of my rib knit top matches the autumn vibes of the scenery. It’s a pattern by DropsDesign and I made this from cotton yarn about two years ago.

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Yellow shirt and Virginia Johnson scarf

Virginia Johnson camel scarf

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The long camel-print wool scarf is by Virginia Johnson and a favourite winter staple of mine. It’s so big that it can be worn as a stole to cover the shoulders, so it’s ideal for the transitional weather.The little bear immensely enjoyed the occasion and found it hilarious that his people were standing around in midst of all the leaves. Hence these playful Akita facial expressions…


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Akita from a rescue

there’s something so incredibly attractive about canine noses, isn’t there?


Outfit Details:

Shorts – H&M

Bag – Becksondergaard

Scarf – Virginia Johnson

Boots – Esprit

Top – handknit, pattern by Drops Design here


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  1. jenny

    I love your posts, Christina. The outfit looks awesome against all those leaves! And loved seeing your happy dog! I recently started wearing shorts and tights again too…mostly because there are so many cute designs on tights nowadays.

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Jenny! I am really glad you like them :) I know what you mean, there are so many great tight patterns out there.

  2. Melanie

    Die Shorts hat ja eine tolle Farbe und das Rosa passt sehr gut dazu :-*

    • caliope

      Danke dir, Melanie!

  3. Gemma

    Love this outfit and the pics are amazing. Gemma xx

    • caliope

      Thank you very much, Gemma :)

  4. Deborah

    Perfect outfit for Fall, dear! I love the color combination and that handknitted top is beyond cool. The photos of your dog as so adorable, by the way!!!

  5. Danielle

    What a pretty look! I love wearing shorts. I like how you styled them for colder days. Your dog is adorable! Have a great week!


    • caliope

      Thank you very much, Danielle!

  6. besugarandspice

    Great look!!Kisses!!

    • caliope

      Thanks :)

  7. Alissa

    So ein toller Look Christina! Ich liebe es im Winter bzw Herbst Shorts über einer Strumpfhose zu tragen und deine hat auch noch eine super Farbe!

    XX Alissa

  8. amely rose

    richtig toller herbst look
    ich liebe die Shorts, die farbe ist so cool

    alles Liebe deine AMELY ROSE vorbei

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Amely Rose :)

  9. serena

    Great look dear
    So beautiful

    • caliope

      Thanks, Serena!

  10. glamdevils

    Ein toller Herbstlook. Die Shorts sehen so cool aus.


    • caliope

      Danke! Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen :)

  11. Julia

    Ich finde dein Outfit super. Ich finde auch, Shorts gehen immer! Eine Leggings oder dicke Strumpfhose drunter und man ist auch im Herbst oder Winter perfekt angezogen!
    Liebe Grüße

    • caliope

      Dankeschön, Julia! Freut mich, dass es dir da auch so geht :)

  12. Chiara

    Fab look! Love those shorts <3


    • caliope

      Thanks, Chiara! <333

  13. kelsey bang

    fun way to wear shorts in the fall! cute post!

    • caliope

      Thank you, Kelsey :)

  14. Imke

    You look so incredibly beautiful my dear! Such a great setting too!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

    • caliope

      Aww, thanks so much, Imke :)

  15. Michele

    Beautiful outfit and pictures. I also have changed my view about certain fashion pieces recently and I think its healthy to do so. Love how you paired black tights with bright, yellow shorts!

    • caliope

      Thank you very much, Michele! Glad you think so too :)

  16. Milena

    Das Outfit steht dir mega gut! :)
    Am besten gefallen mir die Stiefel.
    Liebe Grüsse

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Milena!

  17. ivana split

    you have proven not only that it is possible to wear shorts in the Autumn, but that is possible to do it in style!!!!!!!

    I absolutely loved this outfit!

    special love for your dog<3

    • caliope

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Ivana! Have a great day :)

  18. Sabina B

    nice look!

    • caliope

      Thank you, Sabina

  19. celyn

    Cute outfit! really loving the fall photo!


    • caliope

      Thank you, Celyn!

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