fashion, travel and lifestyle

Pink Tweed

Boden Dog Dress | Caliope CoutureHarris Tweed Jacket | Pink + Navy

A dog-print dress and a pink tweed blazer – two of my favourite things together. Needless to say, whenever I see a dog print I’m having a hard time saying no. I feel almost the same way about colourful tweed.

I have always loved the intricate look of this classic woven fabric. Some people feel it has an old-fashioned ring to it but it can be styled beautifully and can easily be combined with modern accessories.This blazer is an original Harris Tweed from the 2010 centenary collection which I managed to snap up at Zalando Lounge last winter. It features blue velvet trims, slit pockets and a pretty paisley lining which I particularly love.

Boden Dog Print Dress | Caliope Couture

Tweed is such a classy, timeless fabric. Harris Tweed is actually manufactured in the Outer Hebrides. Fun fact is that different colours were traditionally achieved by using vegetable dyes such as lichens scraped from rocks. Nowadays, synthetic dyes are used of course. The tunic dress is a recent find from Boden. The cut is pretty simple which makes it a great casual piece. My little eelskin clutch by Becksöndergaard matches the English Pointer print’s colours quite well.


Boden Dog Dress | Caliope Couture

These photos were shot a few weeks ago when we still had leaves covering the streets here in Berlin. It’s becoming more and more of a struggle to get photos in good lighting these days. I usually shoot on the weekends nowadays because taking photos before work in the mornings would be too stressful. And once I come home in the late afternoon it’s already too dark for getting good shots outside. How do you counteract the lighting issue during the darker season?



In retrospect, slippers or pumps would probably have been more authentic for this outfit but I was dying to finally give my navy blue suede boots some wear. I also liked the colour and texture match with the blue velvet details on the blazer.


Boden Dog Dress | Caliope Couture P1220049 3 P1220062 4




Outfit Details: 

Dress – Boden

Blazer – Harris Tweed (in classic neutrals here, modern here)

Overknees – KMB (similar)

Clutch – Becksöndergaard (similar)

Harris Tweed .

Boden Dog Dress | Caliope Couture P1220062 2 P1220081 3


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  1. Rosy | Love Decorations

    Liebe Christina,

    dein Outfit – I like *-* Der Schnitt vom Kleid steht dir ausgezeichnet und der pinke Blazer dazu :) Ich finde es richtig toll, dass du zur Farbe greifst, die kalten Jahreszeiten sind eh trist genug, da müssen wir uns nicht auch noch so anziehen ;)
    Übrigens, deine Overknees gefallen mir auch total – leider habe ich kurze Stummelbeine und kann solche Schuhe nicht tragen, umso mehr bewundere ich sie bei anderen ;)

    Hab einen guten Start in die neue Woche und liebste Grüße,

  2. Melanie

    Ein sehr stimmiger Look, das Kleid hat ein süßen Print. Ich liebe den Blazer, der hat eine tolle Farbe! :-*

  3. ivana split

    That pink coat is absolutely perfect….and well paired with that dress. The boots are also a lovely choice. You look very lovely and feminine….you know as they say, pretty in pink!!!

    I’m not ready for winter either, but I’m trying to get in the mood!!!:)

    • caliope

      Thank you, dear Ivana! Hope you have a great week :)

  4. Layla

    This is gorgeous, loving the pink – it’s such a beautiful colour and looks gorgeous on you! :)

    Layla xx

    • caliope

      Thanks so much, Layla!

  5. Emily

    I love this vivid pink jacket, it really suits you! Wish I could pull this off aha :p

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    • caliope

      Thank you, Emily! ;)

  6. Maikie Makakie

    Dein Kleid ist ziemlich cool ! Ich selbst würde es glaube ich nicht tragen (passt einfach nicht zu mir), aber den Print finde ich echt witzig und du kannst es auf jeden Fall tragen ! :))

    • caliope

      Dankeschön, Marieke :)

  7. Diane

    I adore your outfit, especially your blazer. It is so cute and chic. You look stunning in all your photos! I hope you have a fantastic week!


    • caliope

      Thank you very much :) Hope you have a great week!

  8. Tanya

    Love everything about your look!
    Perfect colors mix and that dress print is so lovely! You look adorable!

    • caliope

      Thank you, Tanya! :)

  9. marilovesgr33n

    Recently I really love this combo of bold pink and blue. It looks so lovely. I also like the dg print. Great style here.

    • caliope

      Thank you so much! :)

  10. Izabela

    This jacket is simply amazing. I really love the colour and the cut.

    P.S. I know what you mean about struggling to take blog photos at this time of year. It’s still dark in the morning when I leave home and then it’s already dark when I get back.

    • caliope

      Thank you, Izabela! Yeah, although I love fall the lighting issue is a problem.

  11. Travel Saltea

    I have a hard time saying no to cat prints :) I love the colour of your blazer, I have too much black and whites in my wardrobe!

    • caliope

      Haha, I totally know what you mean :)

  12. Jana

    Der Blazer ist ja ein richtiger Hingucker und passt perfekt zum Kleid :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  13. Emma

    Oh my gosh that blazer is gorgeous, I need some of that colour in my life!!! Love the dress too, the doggies are so cute!! Xx

  14. H A Parker

    Great look hun! You’re lip shade matches your purple looks so much.

    – GIVEAWAY! – – My Autumn Matte Make-up Look

  15. Danielle

    I love this colorful outfit! The dress is so cute! It looks perfect with the blazer. I love the style and details (pockets) of this blazer. You look fantastic! Have a nice day, Christina!


  16. Natassia Crystal

    That dress is so cute! Looking very beautiful in it! And cute boots too! :)

    I just move all my photo and video shoots to the weekend as well. It’ll be February or March again when I do this after work during the week. :P

    And I’ll probably do more indoor shoots.. even though I find them less interesting. Ah well.. first world problems, right? ;-)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  17. jenny

    I’m loving the color of the tweed!

  18. Mica

    The colours in the print of the dress work so well with the blazer – and I really like your blue boots with this too! Such a nice outfit, colourful but cosy for cooler weather! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  19. Gemma

    Very lovely! My favourite outfit of yours so far!
    Gemma xx

    • caliope

      Thank you very much! :)

  20. Jessy

    Ein tolles Outfit. Den Rock finde ich ganz besonders toll.

    Liebe Grüße Jessy von Kleidermaedchen

  21. Menellia

    The dog print dress is so cute.. And that color looks amazing on you. Love your style.

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