fashion, travel and lifestyle

The Colour Blocking Sweater

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope CoutureBoden Sweater

With Christmas just four weeks away I decided it was time for another short-sleeved sweater as the weather is sure to turn for the worse at some point. Berlin has been unnaturally mild so far but as soon as it starts snowing it can feel like the Arctic.

This Boden sweater instantly appealed to me because its such a classic colour combo. I love the light pink and red combination for it’s feminine appeal. I remember seeing a similar style at Sonia Rykiel a few years ago and have since regretted not getting a sweater dress in these colours. I have resolved making one myself but still not gotten round to it.

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

Although short-sleeved sweaters like this one virtually scream pencil skirt I decided to style this with a skinny pant and boots. By adding a felted cap this whole ensemble got a decidedly equestrian look. Riding caps like these have become increasingly popular lately and they are a fun alternative to a beanie.

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

C&A pastel shoulder bag | Caliope Couture

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

Boden Sweater | Caliope Couture

Boden Sweater | Caliope Couture

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Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

Outfit Details:

Sweater – Boden

Bag – C&A

Cap – H&M

Pants & Boots – Esprit

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope Couture

Boden Colour-blocking sweater | Caliope CoutureP1220710 m

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  1. Danielle

    This is such a pretty sweater! I love its color combination! You dog is adorable!


    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Danielle :)

    • caliope

      Thank you :)

  2. Christin

    Was für ein schöner Look! Mir gefällt die Harmonie zwischen Tasche und Oberteil ganz besonders gut und dein Hund ist ja super süß :)
    Liebst Christin
    besuch mich auf Facebook

    • caliope

      Vielen lieben Dank, Christin :) Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt!

    • caliope

      Vielen Dank, Christin! :)

  3. Gemma

    Lovely outfit! You look great.
    Gemma xx

    • caliope

      Thanks, Gemma! Have a great weekend :)

  4. Jessy

    Super süßer Look. Steht dir so gut!

    Liebe Grüße Jessy von Kleidermaedchen

    • caliope

      Danke dir, liebe Jessy!

  5. Irene

    Amazing post! You have a wonderful blog:)
    What about following each other on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter?.. :)

  6. Jana

    Die Sweater sieht ja toll aus. Ein schöner Farbklecks an den trüben Regentagen :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  7. Hella

    Sehr schöner Look. Ich liebe die Kombis Orange-Rosa!
    Liebe Grüße
    Hella von

  8. Amber Rhodes

    Really love this top! And your dog is so lovely!

  9. Mica

    Your colour block top is lovely, but your dog stole the photoshoot, so cute! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  10. Nadia

    Love this playful & fun outfit :)
    You look lovely! Your doggie is just such a sweetie ;)
    xox Nadia

  11. Ilyn

    Lovely and your bag is to die for:)

    • caliope

      Thank you! I am so glad I found it too :)

  12. Petite Maison of Fashion

    Your dog is adorable. I love the color block sweatshirt.


  13. Jodie

    Ooo I love this sweater! This isn’t something I’d normally opt for but it would be perfect for work during Winter!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

  14. Natassia Crystal

    What a fun sporty look! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  15. Lena

    Hi…der Sweater ist sehr schön…und die Kappe steht Dir super, suche auch schon ewig nach einer neuen Kopfbedeckung, aber die Schnitte derzeit stehen mir gar nicht! See you…. Lg.Lena!

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