fashion, travel and lifestyle

Black Layer Dress and Marsala Details

Akita and brunette in sweater dress and marsala fedora

I am in love with simple outfits lately – a sweater dress, a fedora and matching boots. Casual and uncomplicated, yet with a few little details to spice the look up.

This black sweater dress with layered hem is an old winter staple of mine. The accessories are relatively new and I’m quite in love with the colour of this H&M fedora. It’s such a lovely shade of red – something like bordeaux or marsala. I’m also particularly fond of these Bunker boots. Their red metallic snake embossing adds a fun 80s vibe and the short heel is the perfect walking height for me.

Akita and brunette in sweater dress and marsala fedoraP1250214snake embossed booties with red metallic leather by Bunker footwearred metallic booties with snake embossing by Bunker footwearBunker footwear red metallic booties with snake embossingAkita and brunette in sweater dress and marsala fedora

This braided necklace is currently on sale at H&M. It’s quite a clever construction with faceted plastic beads in a mesh casing and silver metal details.

beads and mesh necklace by H&M

I love this intricate beads and mesh necklace

I love this intricate beads and mesh necklace

The only downside to wearing black is the blonde hair issue we seem to have at the moment.

Spring must undoubtedly be on its way as the dogs have started shedding like mad and as pretty as Akitas look…we end up finding blonde hair on virtually everything these days. We now have a lint roller – in every room.

Akita and brunette in sweater dress and marsala fedoraCaliope wears an Esprit sweater dress with marsala accessories

Outfit Details:

Dress – Esprit

Booties – Bunker

Fedora – H&M (similar)

Necklace – H&M (on sale)


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  1. Melanie

    was für tolle Stiefel! Dein Hund gefällt mir am besten, der ist so ein hübscher :-*
    ganz liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  2. caliope

    Danke liebe Melanie :) das werde ich ihm sagen^^

  3. Julia

    Schuhe und Kette finde ich super cool!
    Passen auch perfekt zu dem Schwarz!
    Liebe Grüße

    • caliope

      Danke liebe Julia

  4. netzchen

    you look amazing, wow, the dress – i love it.

    xox netzchen

  5. Katie Ainscough

    Gorgeous outfit and photos! I love the colour of the fedora, it’s such a lovely shade and ties in beautifully with your boots and necklace. And what a cutie your dog is. My Chihuahua is constantly shedding and her hairs are always all over our clothes so I feel for you, thank god for lint rollers! Katie xx

  6. rasa

    Love this look, and the puppy is beyond cute xx

    • caliope

      Thank you Rasa

  7. Paola Lauretano

    Cool boots and lovely necklace!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    • caliope

      Thanks Paola :)

  8. Joice J

    You look awesome, love the hat and the necklace. Would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Instagram please let me know so I can follow you back. Thank you.

  9. Sandra

    I really love you :) Happy New Year!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)

    • caliope

      Thank you very much :) Sure!

  10. Katta

    Klasse Outfit :)

    Allerliebste Grüße,

    • caliope

      Danke dir :)

  11. Alecz

    The necklace and boots are just beautiful! What perfect touches of marsala.

  12. Gemma

    Very lovely dress and details. The boots are so unusual and I really think they go nicely in the outfit. Have a great day. Gemma x

    • caliope

      Thank you Gemma :)

  13. ivana split

    your dog is so cute. I see he is watching at you with attendation, that’s always a sign of a good and loyal dog. When a dog cares about his owner, he is always making eye contact.

    Your outfit is so perfect. I love that LBD…and the marsala details are simply splendid.

    • caliope

      Thank you dear Ivana! Yeah, we have developed quite a good bond :)

  14. Cassandra

    Cute photos! I love your hat :) xx

    • caliope

      Thank you Cassandra!

  15. Zarah Heinze

    was für ein süßer Hund! Dein Outfit gefällt mir auch sehr sehr gut. Besonders die Kette und die Schuhe in dem lilaglitzernden Look, sehen toll aus :)!

  16. Ivona

    Comfy yet stylish. And that necklace is so cool! :)
    Ivona from

  17. Julia

    Super super schönes Outfit, gefällt mir richtig gut :)

  18. WMBG

    Hey Christina!

    Der Look steht dir ausgezeichnet und ich habe mich sofort in deine Boots verliebt! :) Dein Hund ist aber auch zuckersüß!




  19. Carina

    You look beautiful and so stylish! Love the boots and your dog is adorable!


  20. makeup monster

    Your dog is so cute!! Love those boots..

  21. Auna

    I agree simple outfits are always best, you look stunning and I just adore your furry little friend!

    xx Auna |

  22. Remi Sabbah

    You look awesome darling!! Love your effortlessly chic style and those boots especially!! <3 xxx
    Check out the latest post:

  23. everyone'starling

    Ich liebe die Schuhe! Sind wirklich passend zum Outfit :) Sieht toll aus.
    Liebste Grüße
    Walli und Kathi von

  24. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    One of my favorite ideas. Black and burgundy – great. The necklace is very oryginal . And of course your dog :) a perfect match :) Margot

  25. feli

    klasse outfit, irgendwie schlicht und dennoch etwas besonderes mit den roten farbakzenten :) liebe grüße, feli von

  26. Adela Acanski

    Stunning boots, love it! Your dog is soo pretty

    kisses Adela Acanski

  27. Lena

    Hallo! Ein sehr schöner Look, die Stiefeletten sind toll und perfekt zu Hut und Kette….ich liebe so harmonische Details! Schönes Wochenende noch…ganz liebe Grüße, Lena!

  28. Elisabeth-Amalie

    Dein Outfit gefällt mir richtig gut. :)
    liebst Elisabeth-Amalie

  29. Emma Peach

    Very chic! I love the fedora, the colour is beautiful, and those ankle boots are lovely! Your dog is such a cutie!

    Emma xxx

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