fashion, travel and lifestyle

March Madness & Faux Leather


Spring keeps being an elusive beast over here but nevertheless, the days are noticeably longer and sometimes even surprisingly sunny. But we still get lots of rain so a jacket is still a must on most days.

Leather or faux leather jackets are the perfect transitional piece. I am very aware of animal rights issues so I actually prefer imitation leather. This jacket by Esprit made its way into my closet about six years ago and has been the perfect staple ever since. I just love the cool shade of dark brown which resonates nicely with my natural hair colour but also goes well with the black I wear nowadays. I think it’s incredibly hard sometimes to find the perfect shade of a particular color. I can be almost obsessive about finding the perfect colour. Do you feel that way sometimes?

Different Ways to Wear Your Transitional Jacket

I love matching my faux leather jacket with dark brown as you can see in this shoot. I’m well aware that a lot of people are gladly exchanging their boots for lighter footwear these days but for me that would be a straight ticket to catching an early spring cold! I see some girls at work walking around in their sneakers and barely ankle length pants already – even when it’s only 6°C outside and raining! So for work wear I still opt for boots and booties on most days. That said, I am looking forward to being able to wear sneakers and ballerinas again soon.

I have two outfit variations for you today – one with my trusty Skinny Jeans, the other with a tweed A-line skirt. I’m wearing a pastel pink top in both looks and added my new Becksöndergaard star print scarf for a bit of casual fun.

brown faux leather jacket

Brown and light pink Outfitdark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarfDark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarf for springdark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarfdark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarf

Outfit Details:

Faux leather jacket – Esprit

Pants – Esprit

Boots – Högl

Scarf – Becksöndergaard

Outfit 2 Details:

Skirt – Esprit

Top – Marks & Spencer (similar)

dark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarf

I couldn’t resist adding some pink eyeliner to go with this look

dark brown faux leather jacket and star print scarf dark brown faux leather jacket dark brown faux leather jacket


Lips – Bobbi Brown Art Stick in Dusty Pink

Eyes – H&M eye palette, Lancôme Artliner in Black and Manhattan Couture Carnival eyeshadow cream in 01 Raspberry Dream

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  1. Ivy

    I like your second look a lit! So pretty! xoxo

  2. Melanie

    Der Blumenkranz (sieht auch total süß aus) und der Lippenstift passen total gut zum Frühling! :-*

    Melanie /

  3. Jana

    Tolle Looks! Eine Lederjacke ist einfach so vielseitig, daher bin ich der Meinung, dass man mindestens eine im Schrank haben sollte! :)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von

  4. Adrika

    beautiful !
    please follow my blog and I follow you back ! : YOUNG BLOG

  5. Couture Carrie

    Beautiful look! Love the scarf!


  6. Prudence

    It sounded really cold where you stay so a faux leather jacket is definitely great piece to own! You look great in both looks, thanks for sharing!


  7. Paola

    The second look is My fav, I love your lipstick!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  8. Violette

    Great look!

  9. Baltisoul

    Cool combination with this jacket and your boots! :) Perfect outfit for this weather!

    xxx Bianca

  10. Erica

    I love the first look! The jacket is just perfect!
    Have a great day!
    XO Erica

  11. Amy

    Leather jackets are the ultimate go with anything piece. Great looks!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  12. Chiara

    Love love love that flower crown! <3


  13. Heather Lisa Noire

    Excellent tips here! I just love this entire look :)

  14. Yasmin

    Love that you are aware of animal rights when it comes to your wardrobe. Have you heard of the brand Fauxgerty? It’s local to my hometown of St. Louis and they sell luxe vegan leather jackets. Check it out:

    xx Yasmin

  15. streetmadonna

    I love both outfits! That jacket is classic, and can be styled so many ways. The Marks and Spencer top is perfect for transitioning! Love!

  16. Lena

    Der Haarschmuck ist ja toll…LOVE🌸🌷🌺 Wunderbar zu den dunklen Haaren! See you, Lg. Lena!

  17. toyas tales

    I love a good leather jacket (faux or real). I agree it is a perfect transitional piece. Your’s from Espirit is really cool.

  18. Carina

    Leather jackets really are the best transition pieces. Awesome post!


  19. Lili

    These are both gorgeous looks! That jacket is amazing and I love your new scarf. I also love that flower crown in the opening photo. It’s beautiful!

  20. Nevena Krstic

    Both outfits are so cute! :) xx

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