fashion, travel and lifestyle

Outfit Recap September 2016

outfits 2016

As I said in my last post, September turned out to be a rather busy and even chaotic month for me. There was just so much to do and so little time… Do you know that feeling?

Unsurprisingly, September saw just three outfits from me – shows again that I’m a little dress addict, as all outfits were dresses. I had a few more outfits prepared but I just couldn’t find the time to write up everything and I don’t want to publish when I’m not 100% satisfied with the result. I hope that after my upcoming holidays(yay!) I will get back to my usual five outfits a month.

marc by marc jacobs toucan silk dresswhite coven shirt dress and taupe lipstickorange slice sarah's bag and leopard high heels

To revisit last month’s looks: Simplicity and Chaos here |  White Coven with Taupe Lips here | The Orange and the Black here

How was September for you? Which of last month’s outfits is your favourite?

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  1. Federica Di Nardo

    Very nice :)

    Federica Di Nardo

    • caliope

      Thanks x

  2. Laura Mitbrodt

    Cute, I love all of these

  3. Melanie

    Look Nr 1 gefällt mir am Besten :-*
    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  4. feeltheanchor

    Eine so schoene Ausstrahlung! :)

  5. shadownlight

    hey, tolle outfits, wie immer ;)
    ps: ich hatte dir gestern eine email geschickt, hast du diese erhalten?
    liebe feiertagsgrüße!

  6. Carina

    You look great in all of the looks, I especially like the third one.


  7. Jalisa

    I know exactly what you mean, girl, I feel like that everyday actually, haha. Time, I feel, is just going by at such a faster pace, it’s so weird and overwhelming to say the least. Anyway, as for your outfits, I love them all, but I’d have to say my favorite is the one with the white dress and dark lip, so lovely! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you’re having a great start to your week and month, may it be less stressful :)



  8. Jecky

    Du bist ein absoluter Kleider-Typ. Dementsprechend gefallen mir alle Looks wahnsinnig gut!

    XX aus Nürnberg
    Want Get Repeat

  9. Pablo

    Hey dear! Hope you’re doing right! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :)

    I know exactly how you feel and of course you’re doing right, remember that quality is better than quantity :) I love every outfit but the third with that funny and colorful bag is the best for me!

    All the best!

  10. Sandra

    Dir stehen alle Kleider sehr gut. Ich kann mich wirklich nicht entscheiden. Aber, wenn ich müsste dann die Nummer 2.

    Ich freue mich auf den Herbst, da kann ich mich mit meinen Outfits richtig austoben.

    Liebe Grüße Sandra

  11. Amy-Anne

    These outfits are super cute, and the accessories really add something to them c:

    Little Moon Elephant

  12. Nadine

    Einfach zauberhaft, liebe Christina! Ich finde das soooo schön, dass Du ein Kleider-addict bist, da mir dieser feminine Stil extrem gut gefällt und Dir auch fantastisch steht.

    Alles Liebe, Nadine

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