fashion, travel and lifestyle

Wedding Countdown

Tioman Island honeymoon couple with white dress

I have been engaged for over a year now and this summer, we’re finally doing the deed. It’s only 55 more days to our Wedding!

Needless to say, there a countless things to think about when planning a wedding. While many people start planning years in advance or even make use of a professional wedding planner – especially when you’re trying to get a spot at that highly sought-after wedding location – others prefer to keep it simple and hassle-free.

We belong to the latter category. In fact, my wedding gown has not even been picked out yet and I realize that might give many a bride-to-be out there a nervous fit (and several of our relatives as well, truth be told). Fact is, I simply didn’t feel like spending hours and hours searching for a dress when life was pretty stressful and time-consuming already (as has been the case for me these last few months). While we’re trying to keep preparations to a bare minimum we still want to have a day that is memorable and as amazing as possible – it is our wedding after all!

One of the things I’ve learned these past few weeks is that my best partners in crime for planning a big event like this are online shops and services. I have already ordered some beautiful hair accessories, planted flowers on my balcony which I hope will be in bloom by late August and browsed countless pinterest boards. But inspiration is not all you can find online – we have just finalized our (tiny) guest list and it’s time to send out the invitations. I was actually amazed to find there are services for online wedding invitations nowadays. While digital invitations are relatively new, more and more people around the world have started to use them for all kinds of occasions and I’m currently thinking about doing the same.

When Paperless Post contacted me in request of a cooperation it was a very welcome and aptly timed opportunity for me to look into cards for my own wedding. Paperless Post is a US-based company that offers a gorgeous range of cards – many of them designed by world-famous designers. I have fallen for the Richmond Park design by Oscar de la Renta in white and rose gold immediately. When picking a design you can choose from different colour schemes, typefaces and formatting options and also include personal photos. This way you get beautiful personalized invitation cards that save time and are sustainable. The Confetti theme by Kate Spade and Chincoteague are my runners up by the way.

Basic list of things to consider for your wedding:

(in no particular order)






Guest List






* This post was written in kind cooperation with Paperless Post.

Would you consider online invitations for your event? What do you think of my picks?

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  1. shadownlight

    Ach das ist doch aufregend :).
    Liebe Grüße zum Wochenende!

  2. Izabela

    Congratulations on the big day, Christina.

    Her Hive

    • caliope

      Thank you so much, Izabela! Have a lovely Sunday.

  3. Melina

    Sehr toller Post – ich wünsche euch schon eine wunderbare Hochzeit ♥
    Liebst, Melina

  4. Rena

    Oh, kürzlich habe ich mit einer Bekannten über ihre Hochzeit gesprochen … bei Euch ist das definitiv anders! Ich bin sicher, so Ihr es angeht wird es toll und dass Ihr auch die verbleibende Zeit bis zur Hochzeit noch genießt :)
    Liebe Grüße, Rena

  5. Carrie

    Wow das ist ja super aufregend

  6. Janine

    Paperless Post klingt interessant, aber noch vielmehr Deine Hochzeit! Ich gratuliere nachträglich und bin schon gespannt, was Du noch in Bezug zur Eurem grossen Tag berichten wirst! :D
    Liebste Grüsse
    Janine von

  7. It's Evy

    Hochzeiten sind einfach toll! Ich wünsche euch, dass eure Hochzeit genauso wird, wie ihr es euch vorstellt!
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Gabrielle

    You’re quite right about there being a lot to organise for a wedding, and I hope you’re having a lot of fun sorting out the special day’s details!! :)

  9. Gemma

    How exciting! I’m so happy for you.

    Gemma x

  10. 'I am every woman' - Margot

    OMG Christina WHAT A FANTASTIC news :))))) Congratulations !!!!! It’s sooo lovely. You will do everything on time, don’t worry about these things. It always comes to a perfect ending, so enjoy your time getting ready. Kisses – Margot :)))

  11. sofia

    Yii, congrats! I wish you a lovely day, Greetings from Switzerland //Sofia (…visit my blog for interior and style tips)

  12. Caitlin | Beauty & Colour

    So exciting! & beautiful photos :)

  13. Jeanne

    Breathtaking picture! congrats for your wedding!!
    ♥ Dior Marina Slides & Marinella Beach ♥
    Fashion Musings Diary

  14. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    das sind ja ganz tolle Neuigkeiten :-) Ich freue mich wahnsinnig für euch!
    Lass dich bloß nicht stressen… das wird schon alles klappen! Macht einfach alles so wie ihr Lust habt und dann wird es eine wunderschöne Hochzeit werden.
    Ich bin schon sehr auf deine Hochzeit gespannt und hoffe, dass du dann ein paar Fotos hier auf deinem Blog zeigst.
    Drück dich ganz doll und wünsche euch einen schönen Wedding-Countdown :-*
    PS: Das Foto ist super schön!
    Viele liebe Grüße

  15. streetmadonna

    First of all, congratulations, Christina! Also have to give credit to your fiance for knowing you’re a keeper! This was such a relatable post for me since I just got engaged in April. I haven’t even thought about a wedding so I’m very much like you…probably won’t have the dress until the last minute. I actually think about the cake more than the dress haha.
    I think these Paperless Post online invitations are so cute, and there really is no need to create wasteful paper invitations with multiple pieces and rsvp cards. I’d prefer to just click anyway.
    Looking forward to following you and your planning over the next few weeks!

  16. barbiegirl06

    First of, congratulations!
    I hope you’ll have an amazing time together! Lots of love, trust, respect and wonderful memories! Wishing you all the best! :-)

  17. fashion blogger

    congrats, very beautiful couple
    new hair products review on my blog <<< hair replacement system >>>
    have an happy day

  18. Dresscape

    Thanks for sharing your experience and these tips! :)


    Claire from Dresscape

  19. sophia

    Congrats and wish you an amazing couple life!!!!I’ve never planned my wedding but I’m sure when will be the time I’ll be so stressed ’cause I’m a perfectionist! Kisses

  20. Monica . Mes Voyages à Paris

    Congratulations for your wedding!! Great post!
    Mónica Sors

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