fashion, travel and lifestyle

Caliope Couture Review 2016 | Jahresrückblick – Part 2

Rosegal black and white floral dress vacation style white maxi dress orange slice sarah's bag and leopard high heels

This is the second part of my 2016 review. This is July to December if you’d care to join me…

July: Prints and Retro Vibes 

I lately discovered a love for retro design and vintage dresses. This was especially strong in summer as I had just found Lady Vintage Boutique that has all kinds of dresses that are usually full-skirted but figure-hugging in all the right places.  The weather was practically tropical on some days in July so I was glad for the cool new dresses I got through a few collaborations.

1 Outfit: Vintage Floral Dress

2 Outfit: Rosegal Pineapple Dress

3 Beauty: Essie Vested Interest

flamingo sixties style dress Rosegal black and white floral dress tropical pineapple print cut-out dress and akita

August: Summertime Sadness 

As usual at this time of year a general feeling of tristesse overshadowed the summer weather. I seem to have a seasonal flow to my mood. But I also had a few positive things on the blog like the beginning of my long-awaited shopping ban. To celebrate a cork bag by Matt&Nat moved into my wardrobe just beforehand.

1 Outfit: White Off Shoulder Dress and Lemon Bag

2 Beauty: p2 Dive Into Beauty

3 Environment: World Elephant Day

4 Lifestyle: The Shopping Ban 

white organza dress and lemon bag JoinTheHerd elephants matt&nat cork bag p2 Dive Into Beauty luminous gleam cream

September: A New World Up Close

My birthday month held a few cool surprises such as the macro ring I got for my b’day. This opened up a whole new world of product photography for me and I just love using it for detail shots! I also attended the Bread & Butter by Zalando at the beginning of the month. My Shopping Ban turned out to be hard on some days but so useful in the long-run. I’m really glad I finally started it.

1 Outfit: The Orange and the Black

2 Beauty: Essie Watermelon

3 Lifestyle: Shopping Ban Update 002

4 Blogger Project: Old Outfit Love

orange slice by sarah's bag essie watermelon swatch Islonia leopard high heels Justfab Aamaya by Priyanka pineapple earrings and freckles

October: Tropical Paradise

One of my favourite months of the year, October this year also held a long-awaited vacation in store for us. We flew to Singapore and then went on to spend a truly amazing time on Tioman Island. I just loved everything about the tropics – from the amazing climate to the biodiversity we were allowed to witness.

1 Outfit: The Watermelon Skirt 

2 Beauty: Essie Fall Collection 2016

3 Style: Classic Fall Finds

4 Interior: Wall Art with Posterlounge

white maxi dress on Tioman Island Bagus Place resort Tioman outfit 

crab print top and terracotta longline vest cobalt blue Tardis skirt and fedora

November: Dreams of Tioman

As we had just returned from our magical island getaway, getting accustomed to Berlin again was harder than anticipated. Eventually, I got back into the winter mood and had some seasonal decoration to show you.

1 Outfit: Twin Peaks

2 Travel: Street Art in Mersing

3 Interior: Seasonal Decoration

white dress and blue sea navy culotte in Mersing Outfit in the South China Sea UD moondust palette leopard slippers and blue sea bagus place resort tioman jetty wall art in Mersing

December: Winter Happiness

Incredible how fast the year went by…December was mainly work and no play. But the mild weather had me in a particularly good mood and I enjoyed the month a lot.

1 Outfit: Tulle Dress and Ostrich Bag

2 Beauty: Essie advent Calendar – Review

3 Style: Christmas Party OTK love 

tulle dress and ostrich statement bag outfit metallic pleated skirt and red kitten heels outfit jolly christmas jumper reversible sequins essie advent calendar from where I stand OTK boots

Thank you for all your love, likes and comments in 2016. I feel so very grateful to have met so many wonderful people! I hope you all have a fantastic start to the New Year!!
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  1. Melanie

    Bei jedem deiner Looks hast du immer ein besonderes Teil dabei, was komplett heraus sticht. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes 2017 :-*
    viele liebe Grüße
    Melanie /

  2. Kay

    This post is such a lovely little trip down the memory lane on your blog! :) Sounds like you had a pretty fab year, some really gorgeous outfits there and special memories, I think! I hope that 2017 is the best one yet. :) Thanks for sharing, lovely! xoxo <3


  3. Sinah Notheisen

    Eine tolle Review mit ganz vielen wundervollen Looks von dir liebste Christina. <3
    Ich hoffe du bist gut in das neue Jahr gerutscht. Und das alles was du dir für die Zukunft wünscht, in Erfüllung gehen wird.

    Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen und stressfreien Start in die neue Woche.

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Jessy

    Ein toller Rückblick meine Liebe. Der Monat Oktober ist ganz klar mein Favorit.

    Liebe Grüße Jessy von

  5. Jimena

    Sehr schöner Rückblick und so viele tolle Sommer-Outfits :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  6. Jalisa

    All of these outfits are lovely! I especially love the printed looks and that super cute sweater in the last set! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful start to the new year!



  7. Tamara

    Happy new year gorgeous! I hope 2017 will be your best year yet!


    Tamara –

  8. Martina

    Ein sehr schöner zweiter Jahresrückblick. Mir gefallen alle deine Looks sehr gut. Wünsch dir einen wundervollen Start ins neue Jahr 2017 :)

    Liebe Grüße Martina

  9. shadownlight

    Danke für den tollen zweiten Rückblick.
    Hab ebenfalls einen guten Start in das neue Jahr.
    Liebe Grüße!

  10. Joanna

    Toller Jahresüberblick, ich finde deinen Stil echt toll und sehr inspirierend :)

  11. Mica

    A great way to look back on the year! You did a lot of good things and wore lots of fab outfits in the last months of 2016! :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and you have a happy new year :)

    Away From The Blue Blog | 5 Year Blogaversary Giveaway

  12. Jasmin

    Liebe Christina,
    ich wünsche dir von herzen auch ein wundervolles neues Jahr und dass du dich verwirklichen kannst und deine Träume in die Realität umgesetzt werden :-)
    Du hast wahnsinnig schöne Bilder aus dem Urlaub mitgebracht und ich kann mich auch hier nur wiederholen, es sieht aus wie auf Bora Bora, ein Traumreiseziel von mir, das ich hoffentlich irgendwann einmal wahrnehmen kann.
    Dein Hund ist so obergoldig :-) Ein ganz süßes Wauzi hast du da :-)
    Deine Suede-Boots auf dem allerletzten Bild sind der Hammer! Sowohl Farbe als auch Form treffen direkt in mein Fashion-Herz!
    Ich finde, du bist eine total sympathische und wunderschöne Frau und das zeigst du uns auf jedem Foto und mit jedem Post :-)
    Ich hoffe, dass du immer so bleibst und dass du uns auch in diesem Jahr wieder verzaubern wirst :-)
    Viele liebe Grüße und ganz viele Küsschen :-*

  13. ivana split

    So many beautiful dresses! I really like your feminine style.

    I do agree that shopping ban is difficult at times but ultimately very good for us because it makes us think more about our purchases. I wasn’t on official shopping bag this year but I hardly bought anything related with clothes…I didn’t buy anything this Autumn and I only bought one dress prior to Christmas.

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